Ditto, those things go round and round in circles with no end. Which is what makes it a theory. I have theories, you have theories, maybe one day the 100% truth will come to light. Even then I bet there are people that will argue against it.
Well to you, perhaps, but to us it is concrete reality due to certain unshakeable scientific principles. The official story is just not feasible. Unless you invent new laws of physics. The only problem is getting people like you to understand this, to see where the needle of your record is slipping the groove, so to speak. The problem is, the depth of the scratch inflicted by your social programming is so deep as to make this well nigh impossible. Your record just keeps continually jumping.
"As perpetrators of the abuse, the Bush regime will do everything in their power to promote our denial, pretense, and silence. Our becoming silent is the very thing which allows them to literally get away with murder. They need to induce our denial, which is an internal cover-up, as a necessary requirement for them to act out their role as “perpetraitor.” Denial is an integral dynamic which sustains the pathology of the victim-perpetrator collusion. The abuser’s refusal to hear the voices of those they are exploiting is crucial to their continued domination. When the abuse is so horrific, it forcibly overwhelms the human psyche so as to split the psyche from itself and shatter its wholeness, which is the very root of trauma. When the atrocity is so inhumane, we dis-associate from the experience, creating a self-protective amnesia for ourselves. An (arche)typical response to trauma is to simply “forget about it” and try to go on with our life. Like Bush himself counseled us after 9/11, we should just continue shopping. It is the strangest experience to walk around town and see so many people just going about their day, drinking their cup of coffee in their favorite café and reading the sports page as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening, while in the same moment on another part of the planet bombs are being dropped on innocent people with our names on them. A more perfect image of collective denial is hard to imagine. “Hey, did you hear the Yankees took two yesterday?” " Denial: The 51st State
Sorry. I guess the fact that your proof is weak is what makes it a theory. There is no concrete evidence that anyone in the US government had anything to do with 9/11. Now if the 9.11 commission report is false, I cant help that, it is a theory of what they think happened based on known occurences. Your {b}unshakeable[/b] scientific principles are based on theories that someone else came up with. The only scientific law that was proven on 9.11 is that when something falls, gravity makes it go down.
No lets please not. I agree that the average person is duped into believing almost everything they see on TV. The TV wouldnt lie to you. I saw it on the news so it must be true. People living their lives just going through the motions. The living dead, as I like to think of them. What change in their lives would enlightenment bring? "I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?" Who wants to live in reality when reality sucks? The fact that we can disagree on something is what makes us who we are. Maybe Im an optimist, like Anne Frank, I like to believe there is a little bit of good left in all of us.
But remember, it was made to suck, not by our (avergage persons) actions but by the people at the top who want to ruin everything for us. Nursey's post about denial is right, We are living in a fantasy based on on the general consensus, but that consensus is not one we've come to our own minds about, its been injected into our society via Drip-fed lies.
And the average person who actually gives a crap that nicole ritchie is pregnant, or that paris hilton was in jail, are the same ones who believe everything they are spoon fed by the media. I have seen it done locally to good politicians, it doesnt have to be the truth, they know if they put it out there, 50% of people are going to believe it. The corruption part is simple. The majority of our elected officials, we have a mayor, with no power, and a county commission, are married to real estate agents. Why? Because they leak the information about where what is going to be built and they pick up the land or the land beside it. In north augusta SC, right across the river, a parcel of mostly wetland(not like real wetlands just crappy land nobody wanted, went on the auction block about a month before a developer announced his plan to build a championship golf course, and homes, on a lot right next to it. The person that bought the land paid 10k in back taxes, and then sold the 50 some odd acres to the developer, who is now building 300-400k houses on 1/3 acre lots.
barry.. this forum is for serious discussion, your posts in it recently have proved you incapable of that.. so just stay the fuck out. you're a moderator aren't you?.. don't you think you should be keeping with the forum 'instructions' idiot
maybe he could volunteer to therapise some of the limbless shellshocked soldiers who come home... give them some of his good ol' jesus healin' anyway.. i've said my bit about idiots trying to derail discussions. let's just get this thread back on track m'kay? cold sober remember
I am conscious. Even though the media tries to sway me to do their evil bidding. So speaking of conscious, how many people do you think will even remember the mattel lead paint stuff that is going on now, at christmas time? I like the way it was only the Chinese plants that used the lead based paint. Maybe they should teach people about not putting toys in their mouths instead of recalling 11 billion toys, or whatever it is.