Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nursey, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Let me hear your views, assholish and otherwise on this article...

    It seems to me that Americans for at least the past seven years have been stricken with a collective trance such as I have never witnessed in this country in my lifetime. Psychologist, Paul Levy, in his superb article Spiritually Informed Political Activism speaks to the necessity of waking up from the spell and speaking the truth about the criminal insanity that is running our nation and our world. He takes this "waking up" many steps further by the end of his article, but for now, I'd like to address the questions: "Why such seemingly impenetrable denial in the American psyche these days? Why are some people almost incapable of awakening?"

    On the one hand we can argue that the economic system is arranged in such a manner that people are required to work two or more jobs in order to survive and are overwhelmed with work, family, and keeping their heads above water. In which case, who has time to read alternative media, research current events, or even read a book? We can also attribute the societal stupor to the remarkable job of dumbing-down that American, so-called, education has done in the past two decades so that the current generation can barely read, let alone, concentrate long enough to engage with even the most basic works on current issues.

    But what if there were something even more fundamental and more human at the root of the collective coma that inflicts American society? What if "my government" in some part of my psyche, has come to represent "my family"? What if it's easier to walk around in glassy-eyed roboticism than feel the pain resulting from comprehending at the deepest level what my government has become? What if recognizing that I live in an empire that is making war on me as well as my neighbors and the rest of the world is too reminiscent of the family I come from?

    Dysfunctional Government/ Dysfunctional Family

    So what might be some similarities between my dysfunctional government and my dysfunctional family?

    First, a family's job is to protect the kid. Maybe it doesn't always pay enough attention to the kid and isn't always there for him when he needs it, but the family doesn't target him as an enemy. When the chips were down, they are the kid's ultimate ally. If I look at what my government is actually doing, I will have to own that it has become my enemy, and that I am its enemy as well—that my safety is the last of its concerns, and that Homeland Security isn't about protecting me but about waiting in the wings to implement martial law or confine me to a forced labor camp for not paying my debts. Furthermore, a healthy family provides basic necessities for a child and doesn't take food out of her mouth. Yet what we have witnessed in the last seven years is all-out warfare not only on the indigent, which really has not changed since the Great Depression, but a concerted effort to obliterate the middle class in America. The daunting, inevitable realities of Peak Oil, global warming, and worldwide recession are likely to make all of that much worse.

    As agribusiness is allowed to genetically modify foods and ultimately patent all forms of life , as Congressmen introduce legislation to gut all state safety laws that conflict with toothless federal safety laws, as pollution is in the process of annihilating the human race and the ecosystems, as nearly 50 million Americans endure illness without health insurance, as big pharma insists on medicating everything that moves, as every semblance of privacy and individual civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution are shredded—your government, my government is indeed eating the chosen people. Its sole intent at this point in history is to devour its citizens and anything that threatens to obstruct its voracious expansion of empire.

    Well, OK, but even if my government/family isn't my ally, at least there is the rule of law which keeps things from decompensating into utter chaos, right? The best answer to this question comes from former insiders—people who have worked within the centralized systems of law
    enforcement, finance, the media, and intelligence for example. Mike Ruppert and Celerino Castillo will tell you that the United States government has gone and continues to go to extraordinary extremes to bring illegal drugs into the country. Former San Jose Mercury journalist, Gary Webb , told us in great detail how such operations worked during Iran-Contra. Catherine Austin Fitts has written extensively about her experience in finance and government and has specifically addressed the myth of the rule of law in relation to some $4 trillion dollars currently missing from the U.S. government and how narco dollars are laundered through the U.S. stock market.

    America's Love Affair With The Mob

    Curious, isn't it, how fascinated Americans seems to have become with organized crime? How many seasons did they live for their weekly "Sopranos" fix, cluelessly unaware of how life imitates the Department of Housing and Urban Development or how HUD imitates the Sopranos? It's "safe" and somewhat titillating to watch "Godfather" re-runs as a series of mafia hits unfold while Michael Corleone (Al Pacino), who ordered them, piously presides over the baptism of his son. "Gee, I don't know anyone like that. It's so "far" from my world," says the wide-eyed viewer, sucking up the sop of corporate media which has become just one tentacle of the globalist leviathan whose rapacious extremities comprise the other major institutions of our society: education, government, the intelligence community, the military, centralized financial systems, and organized crime. How fortunate for the criminal enterprise that this government has become so surreptitious that its citizens are mesmerized by fictitious mob bosses rather than the murderous racketeers that that actually run the world—the world of most Americans—the one they imagine is hermetically sealed by the "rule of law."

    Recently, it seems that network and cable TV channels have become awash in prison voyeurism. On one night, MSNBC's "Lockup" airs three solid hours of life behind bars in various state prisons. In ghastly reminiscence of Rome's "Bread And Circuses", the antics of tattooed, pierced, bad boys and girls are sensationally displayed—human beings whose incarceration insures that the stocks of Wackenhut and Corrections Corporations of America remain bullish.

    Healthy caretakers set limits and model fairness. To open one's eyes to the reality that the United States government is one of the most corrupt on earth is to risk the anguish of feeling unimaginably violated and used by a government family (crime family?) which holds only contempt for its citizen/offspring.

    You're As Sick As Your Secrets

    One hallmark of a dysfunctional system is secrecy. The Bush administration has been labeled by some members of the media as the most secretive in the nation's history. The mind reels at what information it holds on a plethora of issues that it is not disclosing, but in my opinion, the most egregious are the realities ofglobal warming and Peak Oil—issues of which it has been extremely aware for a very long time and has worked hard to suppress. To be intimately familiar with the disastrous consequences of climate chaos and the end of the age of hydrocarbon energy and do nothing is heinous criminal negligence.

    History will indeed record that in the late twentieth and earlytwenty-first centuries, a small group of ruling elite in the most powerful nation on earth, which consumed the largest amount ofhydrocarbon energy on the planet, were well aware of the natural phenomena of global warming and Peak Oil, and knowing full well the catastrophic consequences of those, bunkered their own homes with solar panels and infinite quantities of food and water, yet failed to disclose information vital to the health and safety of all life forms worldwide and the ecosystems themselves and intransigently rebuffed all attempts to create viable solutions to issues which ignored and neglected, inevitably result in cataclysm.

    Any caring parent, aware that a tornado was approaching and about to obliterate his/her home and family, would inform the children asquickly as possible, immediately gather them, and take them to a safe location. To move oneself to safety and leave one's children fending
    for themselves is nothing less than criminal neglect, indeed manslaughter. But the "children" (citizens) of America who may have some inkling of energy depletion and climate chaos and their consequences, blithely assume that the election of a new "mommy" or "daddy" president in 2008 will make everything "all better." Like so many neglected children placed in foster homes, those citizens may get a new "parent" in 2008, but it will be another neglectful one, equally invested in guarding the secret that catastrophe is rapidly approaching—equally committed to his/her own political and economic (...?)

    Don't Go There

    I am convinced that one's personal family history plays heavily in how deeply one can look into the black maw of evil that now runs this nation. As I have stated in earlier writings, I have repeatedly encountered hundreds of individuals who simply cannot assimilate, let alone investigate, the voluminous research regarding September 11,2001. Frequently, they confess that they simply do not want to know that their government orchestrated the attacks that murdered 3,000 people in one day. They freely admit that they cannot bear the possibility that their government annihilated its own citizens, nor can they tolerate the sense of powerless they feel in relation to that possibility. Some individuals will never be able to dig deeper than the official story; others will be able to do so, but slowly,gradually, as the layers of their psyche absorb the anomalies that not only linger, but grow more blatantly incongruous with every passing day.

    Mommy And Daddy And The National Melodrama

    True to his scathing cynicism, James Howard Kuntsler in, Mommy And Daddy, says that "Politics is the way we work out our collective national psychology," and that "American politics have fallen into a gothic family melodrama, and the theme is the same one being played out on the micro level all over the country: failed parenting." Kuntsler asserts that the Republicans have made themselves into the Daddy Party, while the Democrats have become the Mommy Party. The Daddy Party is a stern, rigid taskmaster, while the Mommy Party wants everyone to feel good and wants all outcomes to be fair.

    While I don't agree with everything in his article, I do agree with Kuntsler's projection that as the Daddy Party becomes more of a terminal failure, more eyes focus on the Mommy Party and its dazzling "supermom", Hillary, who will most certainly persist in keeping the family secrets and as Kuntsler says, "keep the corporate flywheels spinning, and even look after the family's security from the thugs coming into the `hood'."

    Allowing oneself to enter the deeper layers of history and current events is to open oneself to transformation in the depths of one's own psyche. I believe that on some level, we all know this, and our readiness to engage or not engage with realities in the external world, which may alter the internal, calibrates our individual degrees of denial.

    Carl Jung once said that human beings cannot bear too much reality. We prefer to assume that our government is incompetent, inept, and wasteful because it is not as excruciating as the reality that we are its next meal. Each day upon awakening, we have the option of continuing to perpetuate this delusion, or dig deeper. While the incompetent/inept/wasteful fantasy "feels" better, it is ultimately more dis-empowering, for as Larry Clow writes in his fabulous System Breakdown article, "…the thought of a malicious government that's actively out to manipulate us is an enemy we can fight, which is somewhat more comforting than the alternative—a series of bungling, incompetent institutions that have failed us, and will fail us again, just when we need them the most." In other words, denial is more soothing, but so is heroin.

    Still another way of putting it might be: Ignorance is bliss—until it kills you.

  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I got about this far.....

    "....they confess that they simply do not want to know that their government orchestrated the attacks that murdered 3,000 people in one day....."

    I want to know. So I read as much as I could about it a long time ago. Every evidence based, peer reviewed investigation concerning the theory that the US Government flew planes into buildings states loudly and boldly - IT WAS NOT A CONSPIRACY.

    The only people who believe that it is a conspiracy are the one that WANT it to be a conspiracy. If you WANT something to be true, it's easy to disregard all contrary evidence, and cling to the weakest shreds of "proof" to support a bogus theory.

    I am not so blind to believe that the US could not have had a hand in the attacks. Anything is possible. What I found is that the evidence OVERWHELMINGLY supports non involvement by the Government. If you believe anything else, I suggest that you pull your head out of your ass and look at the "other" proof.

    You can start here - http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html?page=1
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The artical takes a lot a true points and meanders and rambles about the reasons for them in the end you have massive missunderstanding of the issues and a sadly mistaken idea of why.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Get real Nursey. The only investigation you have done "on your own" is to read what other people have said about what THEY have seen heard or done.

    You haven't been in this country in 20 or more years have you?

    But back to the article you posted -

    The whole premise of it appears to be
    Just look at a few statements and tell me if you really believe this -

    1. "for the last seven years Criminal insanity is running our nation and our world."
    So the Bush administration is criminally insane? And he runs the entire world?
    All of the other world leaders are rational, sane poeple who are the mercy of this
    madman? Right.

    2. "the economic system is arranged in such a manner that people are required to work two or more jobs in order to survive."

    Well lets see. I just work one job, but I'm a rich elitist Neocon so I don't count.
    I do have lots of friends that have to work two jobs. It's not to survive though. It is so they can pay for their big assed houses in nice neighborhoods, and send their kids to nice schools, and pay for 2 brand new cars and at least one SUV to pull their travel trailer or Boat, and buy chemicals for their back yard pool, and pay the people that cut their grass, and make the payments on the condo at the beach
    that they really can't afford, and pay cell phone charges for the whole family, and
    buy 5 TV's and 5 computers and a whole host of other things they really don't
    have to have to survive.

    My parents only worked one job when I was kid. We had a three bedroom one bath
    house that would be considered small by todays standard. One car, one TV and
    one phone and one vacation a year. I could easily duplicate that lifestyle working
    one day a week. Even at a low paying job, I could duplicate that lifestyle on a
    single paycheck. "Survive" in American today means that you have to do without a
    cell phone. Right now the unemployement level in Alabama is so low that wages
    have climbed far above minimum wage for any job. Employers are begging for labor. There is absolutely not enough people willing to work to fill the jobs. A skilled
    tradesman here can name his price.

    3."the remarkable job of dumbing-down that American, so-called, education has
    done in the past two decades so that the current generation can barely read..."

    If Bush wanted to create a nation of Illiterates, why did he initiate the "no child
    left behind program"? My daughter had to actually pass exit exams to graduate
    High School. I didn't. If the US Government wants a nation of illiterates, why is
    money so easy to get for College? Right now if I wanted to go back to school at
    age 46 and earn a PhD, I could get up to $100,000 handed to me, and not have
    to pay it back for at least 10 years. My kids can get all the money they want for
    college without my signature. All they have to do is apply. That does not compute
    with the statement above.

    4. "If I look at what my government is actually doing, I will have to own that it has become my enemy"

    Really? The Homeland Security program has done a decent job. No further attacks since 9/11. Wouldn't Bush have been smart to take the heat off of himself for Iraq by at least staging another attack on the homeland? Or by planting a few weapons of mass destruction to find? Or at least having a highly publicised failed attempt with a dirty bomb in Manhatten? He must be stupid to not know to do that. Or maybe it's really not a conspiracy after all.

    5. "United States government has gone and continues to go to extraordinary extremes to bring illegal drugs into the country." "


    If the US Government wanted to flood this country with Drugs, all they have to do is leagalize it. One act of congrees, and presto!, the job is done.

    Drugs may well be the death of this country, but I would stake my life on the fact that our own Government is not the pusher.

    My blood pressure riseth.
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    your government is not one single entity though is it? ever thought there might be rogue elements that slip under your radar berreh? malignent influences here and there?

    something stinks berreh.. and it's not just that rotten fish you're holding :D
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    The simple fact that you are an idiot is evident in what you just wrote.

    People who have little control of themselves have to create some hidden evil to explain away their own fears and insecurities. You and Nursey both fit this description.

    As far as your statement goes -
    There are bound to be malignant influences in Government, because there are HUMANS in government. A few evil people doesn't equal an orchestrated effort. The premise that there is some grand, well orchestrated plan for the elected Government of this country to destroy the populace is pure fantasy.

    Smoke somemore weed and call me tomorrow.
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hmm actually barry you read much more into my post than was there.. whilst agreeing with what i'd said.. you came to a conclusion, whereas i hadn't!

    perhaps you just wanted to lash out.. after all.. nursey had posted one of those articles that make your blood boil and your little fisties clench and wanna pound!!.. FATTY SMASH!

    just so you know.. i have just the right amount of control over my life to be happy and content.. and i don't smoke weed :D ..

    perhaps you should take whatever meds you take that act as a 'chill pill' and.. err.. don't call me tomorrow berry..
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Ok, so I lashed out.


    I shouldn't have called you an Idiot, since that term is actually an anachronism. It was used in the 1800's to denote the lowest level of human function. A step up was the Imbecile, a further step up was the Moron, with the Simpleton rounding out the labels for the those who functioned below the average level of intellectual ability.

    You are obviously well advanced from the idiot, and actually exceed the expectations for a Simpleton. Therefore I respectfully retract my slanderous labeling of you as an Idiot, and now coin you a modern day Thersites.
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well barry... given my newfound knowledge of greek history as given to me from comic book and movieland.. i'll coin you, with much confidence.. the modern day ephialtes :)
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    of trachis of course.. and obviously as visualised by comic book and movie
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes, forgive my sloppy wording, but i think you know what i meant. I'd rather rely on my own sources is what i should have said. Though i was the first person i knew of to doubt the official version of events regarding 9-11..due to having predicted the liklihood of such an event - a manufactured pretext to 'finish off Iraq' - being carried out by the Bush Administration (and said so the day he was elected). So i am my own source too on many matters.

    What about the neverending barrage of attacks on your freedoms? Anyway, you don't need extra security...you just need the security you have not to be ordered to stand down by Cheney.

    Why would they take such a monumentally idiotic (not 'smart' as you seem to believe) risk with the millions of scrutinising eyes and internet blogs all over the world on the alert for their next move? Why would they when they have so many gullible hordes - mainly in the U.S. - willing to swallow whatever bullshit they and their media whores peddle anyway, no matter how nonsensical and far flung it seems? They don't need to fool everybody to get away with their plans. Just the masses. (In fact, it seems they have their social engineering mapped out to an astonishingly precise degree after reading a little on the subject).

    How could they amass undisclosed billions to fund the multitude of covert operations at home and abroad if the revenue from drugs was openly declared? And how would they garner the support of the general populace for such a radical move, particularly after conducting a decades long fake war on drugs.. without discrediting both themselves...and their fake war on terror? It's you who needs to 'get real'.

    How about you and your bedwetting? Does that fit the description?;) Or your reliance on medication to keep control of yourself? In fact, it does seem as if you are creating some 'hidden evil' to explain away your 'own fears and insecurities', rather than just approaching the matter from a purely logical view based on substantiated facts, as opposed to some fallacious pseudo-analysis designed to discredit those whose views strongly differ.

  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I am sure that what you just wrote sounds logical and convincing to you, in the same way that dead people bleed.

    There was a patient in a psyche ward of a local hospital who insisted he was dead. No one had been successful in helping this patient overcome his distorted thinking. One day a young psychiatric resident asked his mentor if he could try to help this patient. The senior psychiatrist agreed.

    The young resident said to the patient "I understand that you think you are dead". The man responded " I don’t think I’m dead, I know I’m dead".

    The resident then asked him "Do dead people bleed"?

    The man thought for a moment and then laughed and said "Of course dead people can’t bleed. Anyone knows that."

    At that point, the resident took the man’s hand and pricked his finger with a needle. The finger began to bleed.

    The resident pointed smugly to the man as said "then how do you explain the blood that is coming from your finger?"

    The man looked thoughtfully at his finger for a while and then replied "That’s easy. It’s obvious that dead people do bleed."

    The moral to this story is simple - when a firmly held belief encounters reality, reality suffers, not the belief. I am sure you will say that this axiom applies to me, not you. I believe we call such a situation an impasse. I call it "arguing with the dead."
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    does praying really cure drug and sex addiction barry?
    and why the fuck do you want to start shit with brawl hall?
    is being a stupid asshole one of your professional qualifications?
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Any more questions?
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    It doesn't hurt though. As far as scientific evidence, prayer has been shown to have a positive effect on people. So does a placebo, so I won't automatically credit God with the miracle.

    I don't. If I did, I would have done it. I was just bored and posted something to get a discussion going after an entire week of boring nothing in this forum. If you noticed, it was posted in the general mayhem forum. Hardly the place for seriousness now is it?

    You might prove me to be an asshole, but you won't find supporting evidence for stupid. I can't ever remember scoring below the *99th percentile in any standarized IQ test that I have taken. I have proof of that if you need convincing. As far as professional qualifications, being an asshole is sometimes considered a character attribute in my profession, and is often a requisite* to the treatment of personality disorders (like yours).

    *new concept alert for Pimp -
    99th percentile - http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/IQtable.aspx
    requisite -http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/archive/2003/07/05.html
  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    why do you have a repeated need to brag about your IQ? do your feelings of inadequacy have something to do with it?..maybe that's why you attack dan.. maybe your bedwetting was related?.. when did that stop exactly out of interest?.. when you quit being a drunk?

    and you don't have to be an 'idiot' to be stupid, asshole...

    ps.. IQ tests are bullshit.. but i bet i score higher :-*
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I don't think that refuting your accusation that I am stupid by stating a verifiable fact constitutes bragging.

    I have never had feelings of inadequacy. I have had feelings of inferiority, however. As a child I was labeled "lazy" or "doesn't try" or even "stupid" by several teachers because I could not do the class work the way they wanted me to. I never felt they were right, but it certainly sticks in the mind of a child. I was an adult before I actually understood that they were very wrong, and that I was actually very bright. A diagnosis of AD/HD and the proper treatment really cleared things up.

    Want proof that I am doing OK these days? The fact that I have no problem telling you the above personal things should testify of my current state of self assuredness. What you think of me really matters very little. I know who I am.

    I attack Dan because we both enjoy it. Pretty much the same for Nursey. I wouldn't be surprised if Dan and I work together someday. Ask him for yourself if he thinks I really don't like him.

    As for you, I really have to work hard to like you. I think that you parrot what you hear Nursey say just to stay on her happy side. You appear to be the epitome of a *Minione. I hear very little original ideas from you, and even less self revelation. The fact that you completey hide the real you from everyone here tells me how inadequate and insecure you feel in YOU really are.

    Damn Pimp, I signed in here with my real name, real address, and real picture. Does that sound like a man with something to hide?

    the fact that I freely talk about my childhood should give you a hint that I am comfortable with it. Bed wetting past age five is very common with AD/HD. I feel a need to let others know about the realities of the problem.

    Stop bedwetting? At puberty, which is also common for AD/HD. About 13 best I remember. I had accidents occasionally up to age 16. Lots of fun.

    I can't ever remember ever being a drunk. I drank beer when I was in my early 20's, and probably had 4-6 beers at least 3 days a week for 2-3 years. At my size, that hardly gets a good buzz going. I quit for a long time.

    I can take it or leave it now. I enjoy Beer with food, especially Raw Oysters or Boiled Shrimp. I am better off with my weight if I don't drink at all.

    FYI - I tried MJ twice as a young adult, and didn't like it. I have never tried an other illegal drugs, and have never taken anything that wasn't prescribed to me.

    I guess you offer yourself as proof of that hypothesis? ;)

    I'll take that bet.

    Get admitted as a fellow here and I will concede the contest - http://www.cerebrals.com/index.php?go=admission

    *Explaination for Pimp. Take your choice of definitions. They all fit.
    Minion - 1.n : a follower who hangs around in hope of gain or advantage
    2. An obsequious or servile dependent or agent of another; a fawning favorite
    3. An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    wow you typed a lot..

    i don't care whether you like me or not berry.. never have.. nor am i nurseys minion (btw i don't need your condescending definition postings.. my vocabulary is tiptop) nor do i parrot what i hear from nursey.. you don't hear revelations from me because i don't need validation by spouting crap about myself on here.. i only really post here to make my beloved happy.. and maybe to bait you a bit..

    and actually looking at the entrance requirements from that link.. i guess i could well do it.. since the lowest score on my 3 mensa entrance exams was 147.. but that was back when i thought shit like that might mean something... then i went to one of the social gathering things the members organise..

    jesus christ :-\

    but hey.. if you wanna organise something.. and i don't have to go too far out of my way.. and it won't cost me anything.. i'll be happy to take tests, join a pointless club and make you my bitch :-*

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