China invested in America lots of people do they buy bonds. If China losses their ass I laugh. :biggrin:
When the bubble pops There was a strange moment last week during President Obama’s speech at Cooper Union. There he was, groveling before a cast of Wall Street villains including Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein, begging them to “Look into your heart!†like John Turturro’s character in Miller’s Crossing…when out of the blue, the POTUS dropped this bombshell: “The only people who ought to fear the kind of oversight and transparency that we’re proposing are those whose conduct will fail this scrutiny.†The Big Secret, of course, is that every living creature within a 100-mile radius of Cooper Union would fail “this scrutinyâ€â€”or that scrutiny, or any scrutiny, period. Not just in a 100-mile radius, but wherever there are still signs of economic life beating in these 50 United States, the mere whiff of scrutiny would work like nerve gas on what’s left of the economy. Because in the 21st century, fraud is as American as baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet Volts—fraud’s all we got left, Doc. Scare off the fraud with Obama’s “scrutiny,†and the entire pyramid scheme collapses in a heap of smoldering savings accounts. That’s how an acquaintance of mine, a partner in a private equity firm, put it: “Whoever pops this fraud bubble is going to have to escape on the next flight out, faster than the Bin Laden Bunch fled Kentucky in their chartered jets after 9/11.†
Mexico makes some stuff for the US. I've hauled loads out of mexico and brought them straight to my hometown. So I asked them about it. "Why don't you just build your own belts instead of buying them from Mexico? You have the facilities to do it right here!" "We used to make our own.... but Mexico can make them much cheaper. Where we drive our car to work and make 16 dollars an hour to make them, Mexicans ride their donkey to work and make a dollar an hour. We'll glad pay 2,000 dollars to have it done for us and shipped here. It costed us twice that to do it here." Now that's the skilled labor force in Mexico. MAKING A DOLLAR AN HOUR! A retarded Mexican can come here and make tacos for 7 dollars an hour. Why would anyone skilled or not want to stay in Mexico?
But the more demand for unskilled labor drives up pay and at the same time more demand for skilled labor. As more skilled labor. (supervisors, electrical and mechanical engineers) stay in the area then more manufacturers are enticed to join in. Tax revenue for the Mexican government goes up and so does effective law enforcement against the drug wars. I'm not talking about moving companies from here to there. I'm talking about replacing the China supply chain at least partially with the Mexican supply chain. A washout in one respect nothing lost nothing gained. However. The alternative in ten years is another Pakistan terrorist training came on a third world terrorist country to our South and no turning back spending millions trying to stem the tide of crime and MASSIVE MASSIVE uncontrolled migration bleeding us bone dry. Whats the better choice. Tell me now and then again in 10 years.