Is this some transparent attempt to slither into the good books of us non-Yankee FUGLY freaks? I, for one, aint buying. Not to mention, anti-American sentiment on Fugly is so-o-o last month. We've read JMMTR311. We've evolved.
Overstating my case. Sigh ... and it takes some 45 yr old wrinkly old divorced ugly bastard who sits on the computer all day hopin the 'love of his life' will sign on to tell me this. Please, do me a favor and listen to yourself before you "speak"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HalfWitAmericans: All of you half wit americans, Shut Up now. Daddy is now on Fugly. Shhh<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 'Daddy'? Well, he seems dim enough to have fathered the half witted Americans amongst the Americans that post here. And boring enough to be in his fifties, so maybe he really is!