how do I post pics? 1) Make a webhost account with a provider that allows external linking (e.g. Tripod & Geocities does NOT) 2) Upload pics to that account following the instructions provided by the host. 3) Note the path or URL to the specific image file you wish to post a link to. 4) Enter this URL within the form field you get here after clicking the IMAGE button under "Instant UBB Code" below. why can't I see the ones that are posted? I don't know - need more specifics. You can't see ANY images here, or just some?
Well, thanks for the info. I don't know where to create a webhost account with a provider that allows external linking. Any ideas? As far as the pics on here not showing, it's not all of them. The ones that don't show up just look like a little red X.
When the fuck did this place become HTML 101? jesus go fucking check out a liabrary book... I hate when people are too retarded to read the FAQ, then expect me to help them out? fuck no... not on my shift you lazy shiftless cocksucker...
Look, ya little prick. I didn't ask you specifically for help. You didn't want to help? Then don't post. Now that doesn't take a lot of brains, seems you should have been able to figured that one out.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tightkitty: Look, ya little prick. I didn't ask you specifically for help. You didn't want to help? Then don't post. Now that doesn't take a lot of brains, seems you should have been able to figured that one out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you're right, but I guess it takes more brains to figure out how to click a link with the answers huh Carrie Reid? But what should we expect from 22 year old whores from Geulph Cana-DUH? where the fuck is Geulph? and how the fuck do you say that shit?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tightkitty: What the hell are you talking about? Are you smoking crack again?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HEY NOW!!! IMC is high on life and don't you forget it!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: where the fuck is Geulph?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> wasn't that bitch from guelph?.. you know the whigger fucker who said y'all a lot...
You know with a name like 'tightkitty' she might be pretty, or ugly, or maybe a dude, maybe not even a kitty at all. <i>Weird</i>