Well, I'm glad things are working out on your end. In the Detroit area, houses are just barely holding value, so no gains there. As for the equity, I had to cash a big-ass chunk of it out to pay off the ex-wife. For me it's a lousy situation. My bonus is that the Russian lady who lives next door finally kicked her boyfriend to the curb so I don't have to hear them screaming at each other in gibberish every friday night. So, full circle on the topic. "Yay for me!"
Detroit is not exactly the place everyone is moving these days. You may be right about your situation. Very different here on the Redneck Riviera. Housing in Baldwin County is red hot. Homes have gone up steadily 10% or better each year. Sorry for assuming that the whole country is doing the same. If you are interested - http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8624473/ Barry
Well yeah, with an abundant hurricane season on the horizon, I can see how real estate would be booming on the Redneck Riviera. Much like in upstate AL where i'm from, trailer sales would sky rocket when tornado season approached. It seemed like a good investment at the time...
So Ferine is an Alabamian? Who knew? Aren't you amazed when everyone from the rest of the world thinks that Alabama is nothing but trailer parks and rednecks? Sure, we have our share, but we also have six world class automobile plants, the finest heart transplant training center in the world, a NASA space and rocket facility, and countless high tech industries. as well as environmentally friendly hydroelectric and natural gas self sufficiency. Oh, and don't forget the finest managed care saltwater reef system on earth. You have some real treasures in your part of the State. I used to fish a lot at Wilson, Wheeler and Pickwick. Smallmouth heaven. The ice storms in February suck though. And you are right about the hurricanes. What is it about a hurricane that makes everyone want to buy a condo on the beach? Barry
Wheeler State park did have some good fishing. We used to skip school and hang out at an old wellhouse in Wheeler, can't say we got alot of fishing done though... You don't have to sell Alabama to me Barry, I worked for the spaceflight center for a short time, and had more than my share of dealing with the government contractors that Boeing, Lockheed and Northrup would bring to the area. The only things different about where i'm living now, and where I lived in Alabama is about triple the number of people, triple the amount of traffic, and triple the real estate prices. An identical home here that sells for $600,000 would sell for around $200,000 in 'bama. But fortunately, the average income here is tripled as well. I sure as fuck don't miss the red clay.
thats bullshit, I aggreed with you when you said Schmed loves trucker cock... he likes his meat seasoned