so there's this guy i used to know from new york i havent seen in a years and i found his ad on yahoo personals. i cant answer his ad to get in touch with him without paying $20. i cant place an ad with my real picture or i'll get fucked with, because i am originally from that city and i dont want people thinking i am back (or depserate). i did actually place an ad with the title of his ad, with a reference to my email address without the @, but yahoo wouldnt approve it. any suggestions on how i can contact him without having to pay the fee?
I would try, though there is no guarentee it will work....but I would try placing that ad again, but for your e-mail addy, I'd put something like this: RatillaTheHun(nospam) Since you were basicly ready to put your e-mail in there anyway(without the @) might not have accepted it without the @. Dunno if it will help, but it can't hurt. Something else you might try, is go on Webcrawler's site, and use their white pages. If he's listed, you should be able to get contact info. Or at least a list of people with the same name in that city. Hope That Helps
thanks! the policy is that you cant post your email addy. that way you have to pay to answer an ad. i just made another ad and worded it a bit differently. i dont want to just call him up even if i could find his number because i had sex with him, albeit 14 yrs ago... but it would just be weird to phone anyone i havent spoken to in that period of time. i'll wait and see what happens. yahoo says it'll take 24 hrs to approve the ad. and i put my REAL picture in it too. *sigh
NP Rat. I did do that once though...called someone at their old #...An old friend I hadn't seen in years....his parents were NOT was I to know they kicked him out. They were rather shitty to me on the phone, but I let that slide, as it was after 3:00am, and I was stoned as a Christian in the Coliseum(before they got the lion idea).