Worst Sexual Experiences

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Emetic, Sep 26, 2001.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's a shame that the pics haven't survived... But here's another story about fatty that I believe has been told before - but not on this thread.

    (BTW - For our new folks here, the formatting fragments on this thread are remnants of a different forum code from years back... Quitcher bitchin' before it even starts.)

    As if my earlier post isn't a freebie to have a laugh at my expense...

    I present the story of "Hands of the Clock"

    OK, so Fatty was in my bed, going down on me as I laid on my back (very early in our foray into guilty pleasure faux-fornication,) and I was getting into it, opening my eyes only enough to notice the ceiling fan spinning above us. I was in a happy place, and closing my eyes only helped me in getting there.

    Now, I started noticing that the motion of the mattress wasn't exactly timed with the bobbing of her head, and that caused me to open my eyes to see what the fuck was wrong. She was just changing her position, from her knees near the 6 o'clock position to what I could only assume was a more comfortable position near 9 o'clock. Didn't bother me, as she was still tending to her duties, and the change in her tongue technique was working...

    And then it started happening.

    Think about the scene in the "Independence Day" movie, where the massive alien discs are slowly eclipsing the Sun as they move into position.

    I opened my eyes to that same basic premise. Thunder thighs was on a mission, and I wanted no part in it. She would pivot her massive body closer to me, and I would move farther away with each thunderous quiver of the mattress. This shit must've continued until I'd moved a good 90° away from Thigor's creeping approach and her knees were leaving dimples where my pillow belonged.

    The minute hand never caught up with the hour hand, fortunately, and the story forever lived on as a tale of two Hands of the Clock.

    She never mentioned the event, nor ever brought up the subject of her flabby taco again...

    I was such an asshole in my youth. :biggrin:
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  2. GrizzlyVico

    GrizzlyVico New Member

    that's funny as hell
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Your turn, bitch!

    Spill the beans already!
  4. GrizzlyVico

    GrizzlyVico New Member

    fuck it. long time ago this girl i was dating. decided to have a 3 some. her friend worked till night so we go pick her. she's kinda fat but not fattt. well im fucking her friend and she says i'll be right back. i was like what ever, bitch comes back and burns me with a damn cig. bitch was crazy. why do i call her that? because she is!
    Last edited: May 4, 2012
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Was the cig girl jealous you were spending more time with her friend?
  6. GrizzlyVico

    GrizzlyVico New Member

    nope. just fucking crazy.
  7. Akykyshka

    Akykyshka New Member


    you are best!

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