
Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by kitana, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    Reading this thread is akin to watching a Public Execution!!!

  2. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member


    'No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle!'
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    nursey thats rubbish, i dont steal anyones ANYTHING, my stories are my own. Yes, granted, pimp helped me with one, but i had already thought up the idea, he just twisted it in the middle. Thats also rubbish about that chip being 'worth' 4 quid, and i did SAY i *didnt* want anything in return, didnt i?

    Next up, and the apparent dislike of me in the forum. oooh, damn, i am so wrong! Well, i certainly dont come on here to impress you, i came on here to impress ME and i have done so.. So you think i'm getting worse and worse, haha, i was always this bad, but I am allowed to scope the place out before i settle down arnt i?

    I am not big/look at me/i'm the man. have you ever noticed where and what i post? i hardly post shit. i eventually insult EVERYONE and i usually hang around with noone. I am a loner, i have expected it, and i really dont give a shit.. i came on this site because that person recommended it to me, because we are actually good friends and he knows what i am like.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> That's the only reason why i A-tolerated the inane behaviour on messenger and B-kept 'the gloves on' in the forum...though frequently through GRITTED TEETH

    well, thanks, you could have told me straight too. Then i wouldnt have had to treat you so god damn nice all the time..
    You know I was never going to post your address, you just hurt me thats all. Every time we talk you say 'oh i dont mean anything in the forums, you know that' so why, when i post something YOU DONT LIKE, all of a sudden, its PIMP's brothers this, and i'll fuck you up that, well fuck you too i am fed up with being fucking picked on, i dont have PIMP and his damn brothers to help me out, i just have me.. and i am not afraid but I would rather not fight.

    Now, if this had been a REAL problem in a REAL world, dontcha think people like you would not even be in the vacinity!!? let alone ready to jump on me as soon as i leave the house and when you're done, tag a friend. Hell its 4 against 1!

  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stranger:
    And as for your "I don't remember it" bullshit, you are a clasic case. Go on Dis, tell her you were drunk, tell her it was her fault, tell her if she would just try a little harder...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm going to have to vouch for Dis here... I talked to him earlier in the day (Probably 3 hours before this thread got started) - he was already working on the next day's hangover. As I was watching the thread progress, I had a sneaking suspscion that he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning...

    *Mind you, 'import beer' (Domestic to Dis) is much stronger than the shit they sell over here in the States, so when he says to me that he's on his third pint (with more to go) - then I know he's going to be trashed. *Take it from the resident alcoholic (Second only to massa' Fug).
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by that Disordered schizo-gallant romantic/mean mofocking wideboy/bouncy retarded labrador etc ,Edson:
    You know I was never going to post your address, you just hurt me thats all. *sniff*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    ...well now you know how i will respond if you do mean it,doltwonder. Maybe you are too stupid/juvenile to understand for this thread and read again once every 6 months...maybe more and more will start to form meaning as you start to better understand what is 'real' and what 'isn't'.But to clarify one piece of information that i think you should urgently get into your retarded-labradorlike head- Don't EVER fucking threaten me like that again.
  6. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Bitchslap:
    *Take it from the resident alcoholic (Second only to massa' Fug).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey now. I can hold my own as long as you give me Jack Daniels....
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ambitious Procrastinator:
    Jesus, this thread is about the saddest fucking thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading. A stupid gullible virgin gets her dysfunctional little heart broken by a foolish skirt-chasing poser thousands of miles away in another country, whose biggest idols are a spiteful, self-absorbed, nasty little attention whore and her arrogant enema-loving boyfriend. It really doesn't get any better than this. Cheers, guys!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Spiteful,self absorbed and entertaining,you middle of the road bland cow.
  8. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Spiteful,self absorbed and entertaining,you middle of the road bland cow. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Entertaining? Mildly, and very occasionally. But overly predictable, more often than not.
  9. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    1-you told me chip was worth/cost around 4 pounds.
    2-you posted in the forum,about a month and a half ago...much to my disdain...that "Nursey introduced me to the forum" (even though i hadn't)
    (Another one of the many instances of you namedropping,and an example of how you didn't stand here used me and Pimp's names to bolster your own crap forum appearance.)I had already told you not to expect things to be the same here as they were on messenger.That you'd have to stand alone.But you tried clinging onto us like some annoying stupid little brother that we had to have 'join in the game.'
    You even had the cheek to come onto messenger one night and try to get me to change my whole behaviour and reason for coming here and be nice to your friend wank!!!You remember the Klinko thread?About no-one here being my friend?That was to try and shake YOU off and stop cramping my fucking style.Fucking dolt!

    1- I'll think you'll find that isnt quite right. i said that the chip is worth nothing to me, i will post it anyway and i didnt want anything in return. it was worth a lot to you at the time seeing as your computer was slow, so i sent it. then i only find out later that pimps broad knowledge of computer hardware led him to overlook a neglected chip that someone had nudged loose, so it wasnt needed. i did indeed appreciate your pot, its why i said i'd owe you one.

    2-perhaps i did. but why didnt you point that out to me at the time? I dont remember much, but i think our 'friend' invited us 3 into a chat, then i asked you a couple questions about this place, what goes on here etc. Then you warned me about not posting anything too insulting or i wont last long? hmm, i am on my 67something post, i think thats pretty good. The thing is; I have always been on my own. whenever i ask for your help on here you say no or you insult me, i dont expect anything from you OR pimp, and i certainly dont act like i am hanging on. In your sense of the word, i'd have to be hanging on to emetic, lomo, nauseous, imc, sparky, wank, cheese, ihn, kitana and pretty much everyone else here too!
    I dont drop your name every day, not even 1 once a month, and even then, thats to say something that usually *wont* boost my cred. the only other time i drop your name is when i ask you something and you reply. soo, what are you talking about? complete drivvel as usual..
  10. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Spiteful,self absorbed and entertaining,you middle of the road bland cow. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh, and you forgot pompous attention whore, you pretentious cunt.
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ambitious Procrastinator:
    Entertaining? Mildly, and very occasionally. But overly predictable, more often than not. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    GASP!!!I feel SO CUT DOWN by the comments of that lively,colourful,incredibly amusing wit that is Ambitious Procrastinator/ of such memorable posts as....err....hmmm....oh...
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ambitious Procrastinator:
    Oh, and you forgot pompous attention whore, you pretentious cunt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    TSK!I see you have contracted my 'tourrets syndrome' from me!
  13. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> Well,i hardly expect you to be honest with yourself on this one,let alone with everyone here.
    Just a few examples:
    Pimp:verbal/forum mannerisms,eg.'Now here's watcha gotta do',strategy,eg.'here's my fucking address',his ability to have a solid,mature relationship with someone he loves in,erm,the forum.
    IMC:verbal/forum mannerisms,eg.usually using this: to head posts
    Emetic:verbal/forum mannerisms,eg.'snicker',big windbag political post in his particular style-but without the knowledge to fill it (hehe- @ Emetic )
    Cheezedawg:erm <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    since when has using free pics, icons, provided by fugly, for use in your posts been a fucking CRIME! fuck you, why dont you check out kitanas posts, she uses the frowning face quite regularly, and i dont see you trying to pick her apart for it.. Have you really noticed how i use the icons? i use the frown for when i am having a gripe/moan/insult at someone, i use the wink for helping people out and the smile for when i am happy. they are provided! i use them! You didnt like what i said and you just HAD to keep up your 'hard bitch' image. I do the same as loads of people in this place, but they dont care because THEY do the same as loads of people in this place too. I dont go to a library and sit at the back, silently reading the spines before looking back at the potted plant that i have been watching for the past months... I read..
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Emetic:verbal/forum mannerisms,eg.'snicker',big windbag political post in his particular style-but without the knowledge to fill it (hehe- )

    P.S. That was Disorders copycat political windbag post that lacked knowkedge to fill it,not Emeic's...who does have the knowledge-though flawed on some points-in my opinion
  15. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY:

    Sorry it was me.. i was trying to take your wallet

  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Disorder-I could always tell you shat rocks about IMC.You hardly posted for the first 7 months of being registered here until IMC 'left' embarressingly short period after which you *flooded* the fucking forum with shit moronic posts with a big
    Maybe others don't see it as clearly as i do,but i know what you're like,and have been here for a year,observing all that goes on.
  17. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member


    'I've had worse'
  18. Icare

    Icare New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    and have been here for a year,observing all that goes on. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  19. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

  20. Icare

    Icare New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    and have been here for a year,observing all that goes on. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    more than a year

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