"To your credit I'm coining a new term Smurfspeech". The term "newspeak" from GOrwells 1984 would apply to GWBs state of the union adress. "Having reduced the expenditure" at a time when government expenditure went up 42%. Smurfspeak, Forumspeak and X-speak would be a long slang slope, down into unintelligible tribal segregation. Squeak-speak
I'm looking forward to the day when language, especially English, is a complete impediment to understanding. And it's all starting right here in the fuglyforums.
At least he refused being a messiah. That made him a messiah for a lot of people. The Beatles digged him , but did he dig the Beatles ? Helter Skelter allso see; Charles Manson :shock:
It's not the person I admire so much, but what he's preaching. I know what he means, and it's sad that more people don't already know these things on their own. Complete understanding, so that ignorant Americans I live amongst can stop saying shit like "I just don't see what the hell all these damn A-Rabs are all babblin' and cryin about going halalalala! It's cuz they hate our freedoms!"
I just don't see what the hell all these damn A-Rabs are all babblin' and cryin about going halalalala! It's cuz they hate our freedoms!
You notice my post was about language as impediment to understanding. Smurf replies with Krishnamurti. You notice that Krishnamurti never said language was the problem, attachment was. That was written in the Vedanta 3,000 years ago. Hardly anything new. But the problem isn't language. I'm talking about forum speak, where grammar is completely ignored for convenience, at the cost of clarity.
Well I'm certainly guilty to a degree. I wish I had paid more attention in grammar school. I hated that class. Had a love hate relationship with history. I really liked Science, social studies, economics, and civics though. To bad there never was a debate team I think I would have really liked that. But as much as I would like to be more eloquently spoken as some of the great philosophers of time. I'll try not to let ones bad grammar taint my judgment of their opinion. Cause lord knows I have said some stupid things. You quote a lot of... I don’t know "old world philosophy?" which brings me to wonder. Does your study of philosophy cover much of the philosophical ideals of your nation’s founding fathers? Just curious.
Of course, John Locke is a big one actually regarding the nature of knowledge and the purpose of govenment. If you didn't know the pre-amble to the constitution is taken almost word for word from a book written by John Locke called "A Treatise of Two Governments". Pick it up to gain a deeper understanding of Thomas Jefferson's idea of what the United States was meant to be. It's really fascinating stuff. As far as the language of logic and speaking, check out Aristotle "Rhetoric". It's all very simple, the way he puts it. Nothing critical though, just teaches you how to argue more effectively.
No Shit!? I did not know that, going to look up that John Locke guy. That I find very interesting. May get to Aristotle, damn time is to short.
Honesly, just pick up "Philosophy for Dummies" or "The Complete Idiots Guide to Philosophy". They're just as good as any college text book, just pick and choose the things that sound interesting. That's how I got started with it.
Yes, they do. And I see what you meant, diogenes, and you're right. Some people do ignore their grammar, and thus some of the message is always lost. I like to use italics and bold shit, so I always drive my point home. I pride myself on my good typing grammar, but if you ever met me my "its" sound like "eets", so I say shit like "eets pardy thyme."
When i wrote what made dio write "impediment to understanding" the grammar-part was the half of it. The other part is the creation of sociolects. Here , outside understanding of inside is considered detrimental to societal ( tribal ) interests.
But they are in the benefit of the general good. Breaking down language barriers creates uniformity, and efficiency follows. People bitch about losing there individuality. I don't care about your individuality, that's your problem to maintain. You enjoy the benefits of society, therefore you should contribute where you can, and be an individual in addition to that.
Smurf said Now I know your gonna take this personal. But damn it its just to funny when I got to the "eets pardy thyme." part all I could picture in my head is that Swing Blade guy talking.