We don't deal with any of that at our house. Six weeks of pelvic radiation tends to alter the tapestry a bit. One of the tiny bright spots in a miserable experience.
Ovulating is a bitch. I never used to ovulate but I am now and it sucks. My body is trying to make a nest, but my mind ain't havin' it!
I love medical/ educational shows that look at and study humans like we are subjects...not a person. I watched this one about human sexuality and it was interesting...and funny When a female is ovulating... they tend to dress more provocative, and be attracted to manly strong men...seeing how they would produce strong healthy offspring. She may not care about how much money he has, job, personality etc... When not in ovulation, they look for good providers... and the men could look like could look like total dweebs. it was funny to watch them reenact this in bar/grocery store/park scenes. I felt sorry for the nerdy guys.