oh jeez. here come the waterworks, thank you Barfy. and for clarification, can you please explain why you have stitches in your meat sleeve?[/quote] I had to have a laparoscopy to have an ovarian cyst removed. It was painful... that fucker was big, but the aftermath of the laparoscopy was worse. CO2 dissolving in your body is painful.
They bloat you up with that shit to drive a camera through your belly button. When it dissolves, the CO2 irritates your diaphragm, thus causing severe pain in your shoulder, but I felt it the most in my clavicle with every movement or deep breath. Having the cyst pulled out two holes in my pubis was no treat either.
My neighbor just had a cyst removed too. She said her shoulder hurt like hell afterword. She went in because of the pain on a Friday and they were like, "Whoa, that's the biggest cyst we've ever seen! Please come back on Monday, when its more convienient for the surgeon. Here's some loretab." Her husband found out and called and yelled and got her a shot of demerol(sp). I guess loretab didn't touch the pain... hope ya heal up fast Puky
Yeah, they gave me Lortab too the first time. Then they have me Tylox. I had morphine too a couple of times, didn't help. Just made me constipated. I'm doing almost as good as new now. I have some pain... my cuts are healing. I'm a tough old broad. Thanks though...
I haven't drank in a long time. Had a Klonopin the other night, just to help me sleep. Spanks. :wink:
yea I got drunk and saw "The running man" with Arnold shwazenegger...did I spell that right? If I did Im a badass..or is it Schwarzeneger? fuck it I think theyre both wrong...
I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero till the morning light He's gotta be sure and he's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life, larger than life.
I was thinking of seeing that..was it any good?...im waiting for...fuck! whats the name of the movie coming out with Julian Moore?