Who has quit smoking?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    on a heavy day, I smoke 5 cigarettes!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    30 a day and going from strength to strength.
  2. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NiCo:
    Everything changed after I quit. The taste of food, my sense of smell. May sound like not much but it was. And now I realize how I smelled when I smoked, ugh.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    But why dont ex-smokers ever realize how much of a twat they have become? They are the worst kinds of smokers.
  3. stymie

    stymie New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canine_STD:
    But why dont ex-smokers ever realize how much of a twat they have become? They are the worst kinds of smokers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    How true is that. Anyhow a real good cough in a morning exersizes virtually every muscle in your body.

  4. NiCo

    NiCo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canine_STD:
    But why dont ex-smokers ever realize how much of a twat they have become? They are the worst kinds of smokers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Why don't you realize how ignorant you are for smoking? Same question goes both ways. I have a lil more insight than someone who's never smoked and bitches about it and people who do. Troll.
  5. kat

    kat New Member

    They say the worst part of quitting is the first 24 hours,because thats when all the nicotine is leaving your system,the rest of the time its psychological,supposedly
  6. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NiCo:

    Why don't you realize how ignorant you are for smoking? Same question goes both ways. I have a lil more insight than someone who's never smoked and bitches about it and people who do. Troll.

    People who dont smoke rarely bitch about it, it's mostly the ex-smokers.
    Ignorant? In the 1920's maybe, not today, you cant buy a packet of ciggarettes without being told how their gonna kill you and make you smell. Just that people like me dont give a fuck, you can hardly call us ignorant.
  7. NiCo

    NiCo New Member

    Not giving a fuck about it = Ignorant.
  8. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Ignorant = destitute of knowledge; uninstructed; uninformed; un-learned

    Ignorance = partial or complete absence of knowledge.

    Like I said, I know fine well what they will do to me, I just dont give a fuck.
    Dont be a thick cunt and confuse ignore for ignorant, 2 completely diferent words with different meanings.
  9. djdev

    djdev New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canine_STD:
    Ignorant = destitute of knowledge; uninstructed; uninformed; un-learned

    Ignorance = partial or complete absence of knowledge.

    Like I said, I know fine well what they will do to me, I just dont give a fuck.
    Dont be a thick cunt and confuse ignore for ignorant, 2 completely diferent words with different meanings.
    Your not exactly helping someone who is trying to quit. I dont give a fuck for smokers, they make the air smell. I dont like it when I smell it, but for most of the time I coupe with it.

    Simileraties between a gay person and a smoker like you: your both proud of it.
  10. djdev

    djdev New Member

    I have nothing against gay people because in some ways they didn't have a choice in the matter. and I'd much rather chill with someone whos gay. I dont think you should be proud of smoking tho.
  11. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Yeah that would be about right, cant think of anything to say so you pull out the gay references. You even seem to make those droll insults more boring than ever. And helping someone to quit smoking is the last thing on my mind. Who cares if smokers make the air smell? Being stuck in a confined space with someone toking on a fat cuban would be less nauseating than a brief encounter in open spaces with you.

    Differences between a gay person and you.
    A gay person has someone to talk to, practise interaction and social skills with.
  12. NiCo

    NiCo New Member

    You have to practice social interaction?

    Fucking sad.
  13. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    That about sums you up really doesn't it? But why the fuck should I expect someone who mistakes ignorant for ignorance to understand the meaning of the word practice?
    But I would like to know, if you are ever in a life threatening situation, and need emergency surgery, would you go to the hospital? I mean, all surgeons ever do is practice medicine for years and retire. And if you're up in court charged with murder, wht bother with a lawyer? They only practice law, I've yet to meet a profesional lawyer.
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dev:
    Your not exactly helping someone who is trying to quit. I dont give a fuck for smokers, they make the air smell. I dont like it when I smell it, but for most of the time I coupe with it.

    Simileraties between a gay person and a smoker like you: your both proud of it.

    Similarities between a dictionary and you: not a damn thing.
  15. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    I are very good at engeland, see

    Nico, Nico, ring so wide,
    Widened by your papa's pride,
    You like it deep, you like it hard,
    dont need baby oil, dont need lard.
  16. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    I stopped in Sept '99 and I smoked like a fucking choo choo train.
    It's a fucking pissball, if you wanna smoke, smoke. If you wanna quit, quit, but don't bore every other poor fucker with this sorry dilema.
    Not one coffin nail has touched my lips since I stopped, I have the occasional huge cigar after a good meal, I think I look like someone out of 'Goodfellas', in reality I probably look more like Jimmy Saville!
  17. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Now then , now then guys 'n' gals.

    Jimmy Saville = Celebrity Peado? You decide...
  18. NiCo

    NiCo New Member

    Its funny you should ask that because I do need surgurey. However that has nothing to do with social skills. You're stupid for making the comparison. Keep making absolutly no sense std. You rule at it.
  19. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Who made a comparison between surgery and social skills? Not me. So not only do you have a very small understanding of the english language, you also can't read. If you want me to dumb it down to your level for you I will.
    Practice = performance or execution as opposed to theory; customary action, custom or habit.
    Dumbed down even more, you practice something when you do it often or by habbit, like surgeons operate every day, lawyers appear in court every day, normal people unlike you interact with someone else everyday. Any professional practices what he does, both plumbers and quantum scientists.
    So yes, I do practice social skills and I think it's far from sad.
  20. djdev

    djdev New Member

    I have nothing to say to you mother fucker thats why I am not saying shit. If you dont care about helping someone quit than why the fuck are you posting? Do you know the affects of secound hand smoke? and if kids didn't see so many people smoking they wouldn't start in the first place. You clame to be smart? if your so smart why the fuck are you smoking? give me a good reason plz. maybe you should stick a smoke up your kids ass when he is born, you know get an early start. You like everyone else who smokes will try to quit and when that time comes you will be asking for help.
    YOUR ONE STUPID MOTHER FUCKER and DONT RELIZE IT. I agree on one thing, i do need to practise or practice my social skillz, english skillz, and my jokes. I will design a forum that auto corrects spelling mistakes and send fugly a cost-analysis.

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