My e-mail has been fucking up bad. I'm getting about half of the mail I'm supposed to. My server got it fixed now though. So everything should be A-Ok. Don't listen to those people in here babycakes. They are just jealous they can't see it. >
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fugly: Kitana, send them to <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you must be on crack
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana: you must be on crack<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> like most Texas trailer trash (we here in the TX trailer park operate on our own animals, and we're DAMN proud of it..look how much money we saved by not going to the Vet..yeeeeehaaaaaa) fucking whore. just shut up.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS: (we here in the TX trailer park operate on our own animals, and we're DAMN proud of it..look how much money we saved by not going to the Vet..yeeeeehaaaaaa)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <font size=4>LOL</font>
i dont live in a trailer park, i live in (i guess) an average neighborhood. about every other weekend, you can see the neighbors' middle school-aged kids running and hiding from the cops its the regular shit. nothing big, except years ago, when there was a drive-by, but that was a long time ago. it was when one of the neighbor's eldest was a gangster wannabe. oh yeah, and the occasional drunk walking down the street screaming cusswords at himself. hee-hee, we get a kick out of that... again, i am not a whore just shut the fuck up
I remember we had a drive-by in our neighborhood once. It was an Amish Drive-by. This black carraige pulled up drawn by two horses. One of the men hopped up on top and shouted "Wassup Jeremiah!" and they threw pickforks at him till he died. It was extremly brutal but yet.... mildly amusing....
I just sent you an alternate... I don't know if it will work being that I haven't used it in ages.... but we'll see.
Martin, the quicker you give members "fugly" email address`s the quicker YOU get to post the goods to share with all. Worth a thought, or two.............
My that was some nice pussy. A lit bit on the furry side, but sweet none the less. Even got to see some pink. Damn girl. You're braver than I thought.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: I'll do anything! 'Cept maybe cut my dick off.... or my nuts.... or sew my ass shut. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> why not?? ... a married couple can find no greater expression of love than the mutilation of each others genitalia it's all the rage in texas i hear
it's 12:34 AM and i should be leaving to Houston, TX at 6 AM to visit some relatives for Easter. It will be one of those long drives where i will be carsick to hell from the carbon monoxide leaking up through the floor in my baby bro's truck. it makes me nauseated just thinking about it. dont worry cheesy, i wont let anyone mutilate your genitals...i will do that myself. yes, my pussy is furry till laters!!!
Once again, my sweet love has come up MIA. I have not received any e-mail or seen her at the forum. I fear the worst. If anyone has any information regarding the disapperance of Kitana, I am willing to pay $5.00 in reward money. I'm almost to the point of putting her face on milk cartons. Missing his all-time love, Cheeze