Where is Medicvet?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by mia, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member



    You are the bestest!


    Want to fuck?
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Well, glad you are back. (I think)

    Hope the new meds include a mood stablizer.


    MEDICVET New Member

    a mood stabilizer? I'll have you know that people blow a lot of good money on dope to make them feel as fucked up as I do most of the time..so why waste it when I can 'tweak' sober? ;)

    seriously tho..I'm on the mend, and lortab is the strongest med I'm on right now and that should run out in a day or two so I will 'enjoy' it while I can..which is right now..I'm finally at the stage where I'm not in too much pain to not enjoy the meds, but by the time I won't be in any pain at all and will just get stoned from them, the meds will be gone..it's unfair how it works out that way..

    why can't I ever find a doc that will just hand out pills like crazy..why is it only the rich assholes like limbaugh who find docs to hand over meds like freakin tictacs or somethin?

    oh well..it's good to be back..:)
  4. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    OH MY GAWD! Do your lies ever fucking stop? :shock: You posted nearly the same story on military.com months ago!


    Damn poser! If any of you want to know this twisted chick's story.. check my other posts.
  5. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

  6. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Is it safe to assume Medicvet has been 'outed'?
  7. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    Her lies never stop, and don't let her new "spine" fool you. It's her pathetic attempt to stand up to the shitstorm she regularly finds herself in when her house of cards collapses. It'll snap just like id did all the other times she got "brave" and stood up. :lol:

    Septic shock indeed... Go rub some more shit in your wounds, fat pig and do us all a favor.

    MEDICVET New Member

    because I had it once I could never have it again? There is such a thing as a low immune system, something very common with those who have gone through chemo, if you would only look it up you would know. and i can't get over how ya'll accuse me of running when i was banned and am not such a glutton for punishment as to go to a site that has devoted 50 some odd pages to trashing me, sorry to disappoint ya'll like that but I will pick and choose what assholes I get my abuse from. just drives you up a wall that i actually have legitimate physical and mental reasons for being on social security disability and the service connection, doesn't it? knowing that really makes my day though, thanks! :lol:
  9. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Welfare is not disability HOBAG... I should know, My Ole Lady is on disability

    You dont get it for being a liar

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