When the truth confronts, absurdity is sure to follow"

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Dec 8, 2004.


Do you like the truth?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Only when it confirms my preconceived ideas

    0 vote(s)
  4. Don't confuse me

    0 vote(s)
  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    UCICARE replies...

    How stupid of me to forget that a fetus is not a human. God I'm dumb.

    Gola Meir said "there will be peace in Jerusalem when the Palestinians love the children more that they hate us"
    Take a minute and read this- http://capmag.com/article.asp?id=2110

    As far as the sociopath stuff - My goodness you don't know what you are talking about. deep sigh You sound like every untrained "counselor" who's only qualification is his desk.

    Anti-Social Personality Disorder has nothing to do with not liking people. It is about not liking societies' rules.

    Here is a brief description of the disorder from the DSM-IV, a book you obviously have never heard of.

    Diagnostic Criteria -
    There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
    1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
    2. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
    3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
    4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
    5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others
    6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
    7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
    8. The individual is at least age 18 years.
    9. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15 years.
    10. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.

    Read number 10 carefully. Jesus had lots of symptoms of a mental illness, none of which is consistent with Antisocial PD.

    For example -
    Grandiosity - he stated that he was God, or at least his son.
    Magical thinking - he believed that he could raise the dead, etc.
    He had angry outbursts - cleared a temple didn't he?
    He believed he could see the future
    He had sleep and appetite disturbances - bread to eat you know not of, etc.
    He never held a steady job.
    He was homeless and slept under bridges (or Jerusalems equivalent.)
    He had a family history of mental illness - "virgin mary"
    So Jesus was either pyschotic, or he was exactly who he said he was. A sociopath does not fit the diagnosis.

    I'll give you a run down on why he might not have been psychotic later. There is a strong clinical argument for that too.


  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just in case any of you missed this - NURSEY is arguing that George W Bush is God. Can you believe it?

    Nursey writes - And i think saying "'God' doesn't exist" because of our bad experience of religeon is a case of 'chucking out the baby with the bathwater'. I believe that WE are God when reduced to our most concentrated essence 'on the atomic level' all the way down to the core of our being where vortexes of energy resonate with our true instantaneous nature, and that on that level we are humming molecularly together as one, and that 'outside' of ourselves we are all one at the point of greatest expanse of universe and the greatest expanse of our being, and that both extremes of the poles outer and inner are one indivisible point of Being, which is what i am referring to when i say 'God'. And here in the middle, lieth 'you', 'me' and GEORGE W BUSH.***

    ***editing ackowledged - she really said Fugly, not GWB, but if WE all are God, then guess what that makes the oval office cowboy?
  3. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Barry Barry Barry, You always do this, I call you on your bullshit and you completly change the subject, I asked YOU to show ME scientific proof of the exsistence of god and instead of answering it, you try to ask for proof he dosnt exist. Well since you are to afraid to realize the truth, here is your poroof that god does not exist.


    And you brag about your extensive education...sigh....well it just goes to show you that no matter how "educated" one is it does not make one smart.

    Every post you make you turn into more of a raving religous zealot that is blinded by his "unwaivering" faith. Whats that sound, oh it's the whoosing of your claim that you take in and change your opinion when presented with facts going right out the door.

    Evolution is all around us at all times, open your eyes, read a few books outside of the bible.


    That should about sum it up, and there is a quote in there that I find more than a little close to describing your behavior...

    I've been informed that Milton abandoned the debate because he felt that "the same ground was being gone over again and again". Indeed; I found Milton's continual evasions when asked for references to back up his claims more than a little monotonous myself.

    If you replace "Milton" with Barry...it's uncanny.
  4. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    Exactly. That is my view of what is going on.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    My apologies on changing the subject. I told you I have a problem with multitasking. How about I start a new topic that is narrowly focused on the one question - Does God exist or not, prove your position!

    Dead serious here Schmed - I have been a Peeny-Costal Pew Jumper(childhood) a Pure Heathen (teenager) a New Age Disciple (college), a Hedonist (22-25) an Agnostic (25-29) a narrow minded evangelical (30-35) a secularly educated, more liberal and open minded fundamentalist (35-40) and after that, (I'm 45 now) I became a Demon Possessed member of the First Church of the Anti-Christ (if you believe the Pastor of the Church that just booted me).

    At this point in my life I have refused to be pigeon holed into a label. I consider myself a Child of God, a spiritual member of the human race, of which all men/women are equal. I define GOD as the Supreme Intelligence, the Primal Cause, Good as opposed to Evil, One, yet larger than a tribal deity of the Jews, but most of all - unlike us, yet completely knowable and near to this inferior race of humans. And Jesus? I have plugged him into every hole there is, and he keeps popping back up as the one indispensable VIP in the cosmic design.

    Please remember that I didn't bring up this subject of God. I came here originally to talk about an edited war video. But I clearly see that I can't get past any other subject until I defend my (by the way, personal )opinions on this "Jeebus and Gahd" you so nervously bash.

    See my new topic later. Prepare to be challenged. I have had every blanket of religion pulled over me in the past, and I know where all the holes in the fabric are located.

  6. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I'm not nervous about anything, but you did pretty much bring the subject up by knocking evolution, in the very first post in this thread... that might as well be bringing up god. Maybe you forgot so I won't call you stupid for it this time. But it really is just as good as saying it. I'm not even gona get into your demon possesion Barry. *cough**cough* *insane**cough**cough*
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    FYI - Closing you eyes only makes it dark.

    Where's that shovel....

  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Voltaire, a famous Atheist, said " "If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities."

    Wow. An Atheist with insight.

    Absurdity - "Fetuses are not babies"

    Atrocity -

    Hey, I agree. They look nothing like baby humans to me!

    If you want to be pro-choice, fine. Just be honest enough to admit that that "blob of tissue" left in the abortionists office looks exactly like the "blob of tissue" that brought it in there in the first place.
  9. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Barry for being a self proclaimed educated person you don't catch on quick do you. No one here cares about your brainwashed babbling anymore, I mean for christ sake you already let a ..what was it..." man/boy who thinks comics books qualify as literature" make a fool out of you, that's gotta suck... I really enjoyed the way that you avoided the intial question I asked you to begin with and then after confronted with something you obviously couldn't argue against just gave up...

    And furthermore what the hell do you care about killing babies in womens wombs for when you don't give a shit about innocent people dying all over the world (including women and children) from a war they did not bring upon themselves. You sir are a pompous, arrogant ,windbag.
  10. smiles

    smiles New Member

    my friend was in the israeli army for about 2 weeks before he got the fuck out of there... i have few Palestinian friends and they were talking about how the israeli army attacked some building they claimed was a terrorist stronghold and all they found were women and old people.. in turn my Israeli friend responded "and they let them live?" apparently the manuals with which they are instructed clearly state to shoot first and leave no room for doubt. I don't know how we got on this topic but barry does raise some interesting questions but he's far from proving a point, as we all are, few of us have first hand accounts and in my opinion that’s all that counts in any situation, relying on any source other then your own senses is like bending over at a pride parade during a power outage..... you're just asking to get fucked
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Good goobly woobly Smiles - that is a great line! If I credit you, can I use it in my next book?

  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    By the way, my next book will be my first book....

    I wold like to keep thi thread going. The thing that started it was an observation I have made about people - paraphrased, "when people don't like the truth, they have to make up something absurd to rationalize avoiding or denying the truth."

    A few more examples of absurities -

    1. Drug abuse is a victimless crime. (Go back and read the thread Dubya started about the Crack Mom that pimped out her daughter. There is always a victim when drugs are involved.)

    2. Sex between kids and adults is healthy if the child is willing. (Uh, hello, some people really believe this. See the Crack Mom story.)

    You get the idea.

  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ok barry.... #1.. i disagree... a few isolated cases do not prove your "always" point...

    #2... i agree with you there though... mind you.. some countries would differ with you on the age of a child... it's 18 over there isn't it?... over here 16 is the age of consent
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Speaking of the War in Iraq -
    "Never have so few battled against so many in face of overwhelming odds and brought a superpower to its knees...........It is indeed the greatest military victory in history."

    ABSURDITY - just another example of the topic of this post.

  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    AB-SUR-DI-TY From the PETA website

    Butterfly Release at California Mall Canceled
    "PETA got a butterfly release canceled as part of the butterfly festival at a California mall. Children were going to be given nets to chase down and capture the released butterflies. After learning about the cruelty involved in raising and releasing butterflies, the mall administrators agreed to cancel the event and create a cruelty-free program."

    Barry's note - I will bet that the fruitcakes protesting cruelty to butterflies are pro-choice. I have never a PETA head yet that was not. Butterflies have feelings too! Fetuses (human babies) don't.


    Screw the Whales and the butterflies too. Save the people.

  16. smiles

    smiles New Member

    yeh cuz we all know THEY'RE sure in danger of becoming extinct,

    barry your entire post above is a logical fallacy, you're trying to show two very different subjects as being somehow parallel, are you honestly trying to draw a comparison between something living being destroyed and something which was not yet brought to life, or even consciousness for that matter, as being the same thing. the right to life issue has more to do with the question of who's in charge of that baby while it is still in the mothers womb, the mother or the state and at what point does it stop being a part of the mother and become it's own independent entity. While something like a butterfly, an organism which indisputably is its own entity, is at our mercy and shouldn't be destroyed simply for our sick amusement
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I can see that the there is not a direct correlation between babies and butterflies. I stretched the comparision. What I am trying to do is simply illustrate how people stretch themselves into absurd thinking when they don't want to face the things that really matter.

    Lets remember that there are probably very few sane people on earth who are "Pro-Abortion". Even the strongest "Pro-Choice" people are not going to rejoice when an abortion is the choice. I understand and support anti-cruelty laws for animals too. I am talking here about the way people focus on things that are really low on the scale of importance, and in so doing they drain credibility from themselves.

    I could support PETA if they would stick with things that matter. Protesting the inhumane treatment of laboratory Rats is one thing. Prosecuting people for killing rats that infest their house is another. Read this and tell me it is not absurd.

    From the PETA website -
    New York City Rat Abuser Busted

    "PETA was bombarded with calls from New York City residents horrified by newspaper articles and television news clips about a man who was using a bat to beat countless rats to death every night in the Bronx. We contacted the ASPCA, and the Health Department interceded and ordered the man to stop killing rats."


    and another -

    Hope your Chritmas Day is bright!

  18. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Don't argue with Barry he is like me , never wrong, except that he's wrong sometimes. :wink:
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Your are so right Schmed. Sometimes.

  20. smiles

    smiles New Member

    what's the difference between pro-abortion and pro-choice?

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