When the truth confronts, absurdity is sure to follow"

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Dec 8, 2004.


Do you like the truth?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  3. Only when it confirms my preconceived ideas

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  4. Don't confuse me

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  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    :shock: Uh ohh...next you'll be saying it's alright to commit monstrous acts such as butchering babies in order to bring about the second coming...as many who also share such views believe.
    "Simple mathematical odds"? That should read 'simplistic'. Or 'Disney'. You Barry, are a brainwashed, religious zealot from what i can see! For one, the whole planet is not daily plotting to destroy Israel, and secondly, they aren't exactly a bunch of simple, goat herding peasants... :roll: i think perhaps this might be the hidden hand in the equation...

    ...i know to you the two are synonymous, but that doesn't look like God's hand to me!
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    The stable and lucid Nursey writes[/quote]
    :shock: Uh ohh...next you'll be saying it's alright to commit monstrous acts such as butchering babies in order to bring about the second coming...as many who also share such views believe.[/quote]

    See what I mean about absurdity following?

    Still waiting for that one piece of evidence that God (Intelligent Cause, lets say, not some long bearded sin smasher) does not exist. Just one.

    But wait, you say that God does exist. and I'll quote you "I believe that we are God when reduced to our most concentrated essence 'on the atomic level' all the way down to the core of our being where vortexes of energy resonate with our true instantaneous nature, and that on that level we are humming molecularly together as one, and that 'outside' of ourselves we are all one at the point of greatest expanse of universe and the greatest expanse of our being, and that both extremes of the poles outer and inner are one indivisible point of Being, which is what i am referring to when i say 'God'. And here in the middle, lieth 'you', me and Fugly.

    Somebody tell me how THAT is not absurd. Oh wait! If we all are God, then George W Bush is God too! I new it! GWB is GOD, and Nursey is the one that proved it! :D

  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    and one more absurdity Ms Nursey.....

    Your cute poster above states " the ongoing extermination of Palestinian children can't go on with your help".

    Truth - Many Palestinian families raise their children with the idea that strapping a bomb to themselves and blowing themselves up is honorable and holy.

    Absurdity - It is Israel who is at fault for the death of these children.

    Absurdity - Israel shoots and kills children who throw rocks at tanks.

    Absurdity - Killing yourself is a rational act of religious purity.

    Absurdity - Palestinians are peace loving people who only want to peacefully coexist with their Jewish neighbors.

  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    This called child abuse in backwards, repressive America.
    Innocent Palestinians my eye. (spits)

  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    My truth must be confronting you again judging by the absurdity i see you posting, Barry! :eek: Are you denying that such groups of christian extremists exist? What makes your beliefs any more rational than theirs?
    Here's the latest in a long, long list of what 'God's chosen people' have been up to:
    Israeli soldiers serving in the Gaza Strip have reportedly admitted killing a 15-year-old Palestinian boy for sport.

    Video: Israeli soldiersgoing in for the kill - a thirteen year old schoolgirl is about to die

    Israeli forces have shot and seriously wounded a four-year-old Palestinian child in Rafah, in southern Gaza, eyewitnesses and medical sources said.
    Palestinian medical sources listed Shayma Hasan Abu Shammala in critical condition after she was hit by several bullets fired by an Israeli soldier manning a military tower near the Egyptian-Gaza borders on Sunday.
    Eyewitnesses said the child was playing in the backyard of her home when the soldier opened fire on her.

    Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock

    "Of all the revelations that have rocked the Israeli army over the past week, perhaps none disturbed the public so much as the video footage of soldiers forcing a Palestinian man to play his violin.
    The incident was not as shocking as the recording of an Israeli officer pumping the body of a 13-year-old girl full of bullets and then saying he would have shot her even if she had been three years old.

    Nor was it as nauseating as the pictures in an Israeli newspaper of ultra-orthodox soldiers mocking Palestinian corpses by impaling a man's head on a pole and sticking a cigarette in his mouth.

    But the matter of the violin touched on something deeper about the way Israelis see themselves, and their conflict with the Palestinians."

    But look! At last!!!! Proof that God actually exists! :lol:

    The wave of locusts that hit Israel over the weekend intensified Saturday evening, with a fresh swarm of relatively large locusts being spotted over the southern city of Eilat and with the insects reaching as far north as the southern section of the Dead Sea.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Of course such groups exist. They are called extremists, and they are just as much a bunch of freaks as those who believe that crystals have some inherent magical powers. (Sorry if that hit too close to home.)

    Now we are fighting with each other, and it hurts me so. We need some common ground to keep the connection going. I know what! Lets agree on something. How 'bout this - Vincent Foster was murdered and it was made to look like a suicide. I believe that to be true with all my heart, no kidding. Can I get an amen on that from my friend Nursey?

    Can we agree that we both love to argue, and neither of us is really trying to hear what the other is saying? Back to 'ya.

  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Err...Barry...those sure as hell[/bi aren't Palestinians! :? They look Pakistani or Afghani to me. These are Palestinians here...
  8. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Dear Barry,

    While skimming through your dis-jointed posts, let me clarify a few things for you:

    1) Babies are baptized for this reason, at one time men used to "take" women as they pleased, this ceremony is for purifying the child for the violent and torturous act that it was concieved in for the most part, and to purify the mother.

    2) Abortion - I'm a man and I cannot comprehend the innerworkings of the female mind, body and spirit, as men we should just stay the hell out of the abortion issue all together, do we really need a say for five minutes work? it's not our body, we don't carry the child, we play a minor support role in the grand scheme of things, hence why males have ego's, macho bullshit, to make ourselves seem more important than we really are, women have always run things, and always will it's that simple.

    3) Do you honestly believe that if there is a god that he would have anything to do with us as a race? after all we did nail his only son to a cross and torture him, it's pretty safe to assume that was the final straw, we are on our own here.

    4) It disturbs me deeply that a person who appears to be at least on the surface resemble a normal person would form a point of view or opinion based on 1 idea, ideaology, religion etc etc wouldn't only a narrow minded person be guilty of this? I wish you were capable of seeing that you might want to take in more than one side, more than one train of thought, one philisophical view and not present your case will mal-formed bias and predjudice, can you not make up your own mind?
  9. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    you get what you give, if people wish you to suffer it's because in turn you have caused them to suffer.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I think very clearly, and for my self. Just because I don't parrot your
    popular dribble doesn't mean Im wrong or that I am "brainwashed.".

    And just for kicks please explain to me how this "clarifies" anything.
    "Babies are baptized for this reason, at one time men used to "take" women as they pleased, this ceremony is for purifying the child for the violent and torturous act that it was concieved in for the most part, and to purify the mother.

    I think the statement above falls into the category of the absurd.

    Thanks for writing though. Keep trying to make sense and I'll keep trying to understand.

  11. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    You tend to drone on in your posts, so as i stated above "I SKIMMED" just giving you some info on where your christening, baptismal ceremony comes from is all.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Nice picture. Notice the large bag that the woman is carrying. Think the soldier is the least bit concerned that it could be a bomb? Every Palestinian knows not to walk up to a checkpoint with a bag like that in their hand. The child is being placed in imminent danger by the adult who is holding his hand and a duffel bag at the same time. CHILD ABUSE. Clear and simple.

    And see the soldiers trigger finger? It is not on the trigger, it is in the "safe" position. This soldier is just doing his job, pure and simple. This picture is a classic example of Palestinian Propaganda. Shame on you Nursey for being deceived.

    ...and about the 13 year old girl that was killed? Did you notice that the commander of the unit that shot her was prosecuted http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7363.htm for what he did? Do you think it matters at all that the girl was in a forbidden are, was wearing blue jeans, a tee shirt and a suicide bandana, and was carrying a bag that looked like explosives? No one would deny that innocent people are killed. What is ludicrous is to think that the people and govenment of Israel approve of such.

    Going on Schmeds theory of a country inflicting wounds on it's self - -
    How about this thought - would a Palestian family set their own daughter up to be killed just to create a news event to "prove" the brutality of Israel? You are damn right they would. And dance at her funeral afterwards. They WANT their kids to be "martyrs". A promise of paradise for the dead kids sounds better to them than anything.

    Why do you find that hard to believe, but you can easily believe that the US would bomb it's own trade center? Iron skullcaps. The only answer.\

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Barry...is clinically insane
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    In the future, I'll try to use smaller words and short sentences so that you can play along too.

    1 - they ain't my ceremonies
    2 - I know exactly where they came from
    3 - quit skimming - have someone read to you if it is too much trouble to read for yourself.
    4 - don't be too serious. this is for fun, not blood.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    And dang proud of it....

  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Really? So what suffering did Jesus inflict on the masses that caused them to want to torture him to death? Oh wait a minute..you have a point. He told them the truth, and it pained them so much they killed him for it.

    That truth stuff does make people suffer. And makes them hate the one that speaks it and then makes them want to make that person suffer....I see now.

  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Here is a fairly objective article on the issue of children in the conflict.

    I think this is from a reporters point of view, and is not someone trying to "prove" their radical position. Please read and comment.

  18. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    No parent of any culture wishes more than the next generation to be better than the one that came before it. The universal spirit of motherhood crosses all race, cultural, etc boundaries, to think that a mother would sacrifice her children is absurd, have you ever visited Israel? Palestine? Turkey? Iran? Iraq? you can't stand on the sidelines and make arbitrary statements about peoples beliefs, when you have no first hand knowledge of their culture, religion, spiritual beliefs, you only report what you hear, read, indoctrineated with from western media, until your on the ground, have had first hand experience in the cultures you speak of, your opinion of the muslim world holds very little weight.

    And let's not forget who pays the bills in america shall we, I believe at last count there was aprox. 19 Billion in "middle east" dollars flotaing through the american economy at any given second. Had america not funded the new Israel state, this whole mess might have been avoided.

    I personally have met many people claiming to be Jesus in my work, and like the original that came before them, I think they share one thing in common, they are all mentally unbalanced. did it ever occur to you that Jesus could have been a sociopath? those types of personalities are quite persuasive.
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just when I was thinking that checkmate might have something rational to say.....

    Quote "to think that a mother would sacrifice her children is absurd"

    Can you say abortion? Hello?

    Quote "did it ever occur to you that Jesus could have been a sociopath"

    The last time I looked, a sociopath, or antisocial personality disorder as it is now called, is about as far away from the historical account of Jesus as anything could be. I could make a good argument for an axis I dx of bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, but not an axis II of anykind. You on the other hand....

    "And let's not forget who pays the bills in america shall we, I believe at last count there was aprox. 19 Billion in "middle east" dollars floating around the county...."

    Right. 19 billion from a national GDP of about about 19 Trillion dollars. May math is bad, but I believe that is a staggering 1%. God i hope they all don't pull out at once. We will never recover from the economic inpact.

  20. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Quote "to think that a mother would sacrifice her children is absurd"

    Can you say abortion? Hello?

    A feuts is not a child.

    High order Sociopath's Include:

    Jim Jones
    David Koresh
    Adolf Hitler
    Jesus Christ

    They are not antisocial disorders, they are infact very social people, very persuasive and very adept at exploting peoples need to believe. The fact that jesus was caught before he took his followers with him, well that was just a blessing. And the fact that the bible was written (or at least parts of it) by his followers is a testament to his ability to manipulate people. Just as he is manipulating you. "Jesus died for all our sins" I thank him, takes the stress off of me.

    I find it interesting that the Saudi's are pulling the strings currently and having the American's do there dirty work in Iraq and effectively create a bigger share of the world's fossil fuel market for themselves.

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