What's this guy's trip?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Aballister, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Okay... The pyramid with the eye is actually a free-mason symbol. The founding fathers were all free-masons so that would explain that.

    The other part of your answer is unsatisfactory at best. The thought that a small group of individuals control all of the world's corporations is ludacrous. You have no knowledge of how these things work. Anyone can start a corporation; all you need is a lawyer and a company already established. The purpose of establishing a corporation is to create a separate legal entity that can absorb the liability of lawsuits. My legal principles professor has a bookstore established as a corporation.

    So I guess that the day my professor incorporated his bookstore he then became an Illuminati?

    Your answers are all rethorics spewed by the crazies. You didn't give me any answer, you just rehashed the same old bullshit.
    Which corporations do they control? What is the extent of their fortune? Who are the known members?

    It's funny how people picture corporations as tall skyscrapers with dark clouds swirling around them. The only difference between a corporation and a sole proprietorship is that you have a separate legal entity. That's it. Anyone can do it. You could incorporate a lemonade stand if you wanted too.

    So tell me, how is it that the Illuminati can control something that is already available to anyone? Remember the definition of power: dependence on a valuable resource controled by someone else. Corporations are not a valuable resource affected by substitutability (the principle that power comes from the ability to remove or influence the access to a valuable resource).

    There are schemes being perpetrated at really high levels in global economics. But not of that has to do with men wearing hooded robes in some dark halls, plotting how to take over the world. These people are very wealthy but they're not out to get us. We are nothing more than statistics on some graph board, market segments, or consummers. Their plot stops at how do they get us to spend more money. Really, it's nothing more than that.
  2. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    You aren't listening. If the Illuminati subtilely controls the Trekkies.... and a trekkie starts a corporation.... does not the illuminati IN SOME WAY now control that corporation? Or at least have influence over it.

    And by the way this is all theory. I don't believe everything I hear. Its just fun to think about and ponder over. If you listen to some "Normal" illuminati conspiracy theorists... they tend to make sense. Not nutjobs.

    But then again... people said mind control wasn't possible. Now we know that it is. We even know there is a facility in Alaska beaming radio signals to the atomosphere and back to earth at the frequency of the human brain! And to think... we called those people who wore tinfoil on their heads a bunch of nutjobs. They were right! Not crazy afterall.

    And the freemasons are given credit for being in the illuminati. And what are the freemasons exactly.... but a group of people who scratch each others backs in order for everyone to acheive their desired goals in life?

    As for who is in the illuminati or part of it? We all are! But if you want to know who the top dog is.... no clue brother. Some sources claim its the Devil himself seated at the top! Christians often say Satan is in control of this world. If so... what a great way to do it. A shadow organization with a hand in everything.
  3. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    If you are worried about people scratching each other's backs, you should look into fraternities. There are much more blatant examples of such "backscratching" than the Free-Masons. Like presidential candidates Bush and Kerry, who both belong to the Skull and Bones society, that would be the Yale secret club. So when both of these guys ran for president at the same time, guess who didn't lose? Universities are full of secret clubs and fraternities who's sole purpose is to scratch each other's backs. I go to a university and I belong to a fraternity. You would be surprised how much you can get done with a secret handshake.

    I don't believe in god so it would be difficult for me to accept the devil as the leader of a shadowy organization. But I do think that the Illuminati exist, just not the way Alex Jones does. I think it's an old boys club just scratching each other's backs, nothing more. Nothing to do with world domination.
  4. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    But what if your frat's leader gave you a car in order for you to cast your senatorial vote a certain way? Giving out 50 cars might cost them a million dollars.... but what if the legislation passed earns them a billion? Suddenly a million doesn't seem like that much. Scratching each others backs is fine.... when the scratching doesn't fuck over 300 million other people.

    Who started fraternities anyway? Who is to say there isn't a governing body at the top controlling and influencing them all! Just a theory.
  5. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Frats are started by the Alumni. Once you graduate from an university you can actually "export" your frat to other universities. And no, there isn't a governing body on top of them all. Most frats are rival with each other, trying to govern them all would be crazy.
  6. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Why would it be crazy?

    Rich men pit blacks against whites everyday.

    "The white man is holding you down! You need to show whitey you are someone!"

    And to the whites....

    "The blacks are what's holding you back. All this welfare and crime. You should do something!"

    Meanwhile... they fight.... the rich man stays rich. The poor stay poor. Brilliant.
  7. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    So what you're saying is that the reason why a frat is rival with another is that some organization is pulling strings to keep them fighting? For profit?
    It's not because Gamma Phi Beta thought it would be a great prank to spray paint the cars parked at the Zeta Tau Alpha house?
    Frats are just party houses dude.
    Sometimes you'll get an answer key for an exam through one of your "brothers", but it's pretty much all their good for. Trust me, there is nothing shady or "mind controlled" about a frat.
  8. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    So there is no "I'll get my frat brother a job at my law firm after school is finished" or any of that?

    Besides..... its all just theory! You seem to forget that I keep saying that! All I was saying is "ITS POSSIBLE". Thats all. Nothing more.
  9. RetainYerDiggity

    RetainYerDiggity New Member

    The good theories are dis-provable, otherwise I can just make sh!t up.
    Hail Xenu!
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  10. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    There is some of that of course, but you still need the grades to land a decent job. I know this is all theoretical, but it's still fun to debate about it.

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