They look like those 'Runts' or whatever. Like they are made from candy, not 'oh my gosh I want to eat them now!!!'
Those ones may be candy, I was just trying to find a picture as close to how I remembered the ear rings.
Yeah, I'm a southpaw. It's hard to write in spiral notebooks because the wires are under my hand and half-desks, like in college, are on the right side. When I tried to write with "EraserMate" pens, my hand smeared the ink because my hand passed over the wet ink as I wrote. My penmanship is awkward but not too bad. I'm not fully lefty though. Writing/Drawing: left Throwing: left Swing baseball bat: left Swing golf club: right Play guitar: right Rappel: right (there is a difference) Fire a rifle: right Masturbate: I switch it up to keep it interesting
Well I guess I'm a bit of a cheep skate. I'm almost totally finished with my kitchen remodel. The big present for the wife was a new Kenmore Elite 30 in. Slide-In Electric Range model# 41013 as well as the new Kenmore Microwave Range Hood combo. Installed them today. The wife made me run to the store and buy a pizza so she could bake something.
awww - you are a good husband. I know I have been dreaming of the fancy front loading washer & dryer sets... the new fancy colored ones. I feel like Wayne from Wayne's World... every time I walk thru Sears... I stop to visit them... and say "one day- you will be mine" I refuse to buy a set while mine is still working. Plus - who sees my laundry room anyway? but one day..... Today I finally bought the new computer...I am scared to open it... so if I disappear for a while- that is why. Hopefully one of my nephews will come over tomorrow and set it all up.
he nose I eye will be his new years eve fling. eye will where nothing but those goddamned earrings and a tampon string