MoreMetal I am willing to BET you own a fringe jacket You know she will be wearing these and will break out her fanciest banana clip and dream catcher ear rings.
Styx playing is the only reason I'am going. As far as having bad taste in music you can eat my ass. I have a large variety of musical interest.
yeah Metal and Styx. From this analysis I gather you are a very classy and cultured chick. I bet you always do the typical classy picture pose, flashing the Bevis & buthead horns with your tongue out. don't worry honey, there are many like you. Oh and as for eating your, I bet there is tattoo on it. Probably something really meaningful . Go on tell us what it is.
And I thought my hazing days were over when I joined over a year ago. But to play your game, yes I'am a classy and cultured chick. As far as pictures go, I'am usually the one taking photos. And yes I have tattoos, but none on my ass, so eat up....
Oh, you got me there, this was from the post your drunken photo's. But as I said I'am USUALLY the one taking the photos. And just because one has tattoos does not mean they have no class. As far as easing your curiosity, you can kiss my ass too. I dont know you, so im gona have to say that it is none of your buisness friendly.
I like it when you talk dirty to me. And no Taz tattoos on me, if you wanted to see all you had to do was ask nicely.
I went to the retro trio this winter; Styx, REO and Def Leppard. Styx put on a great show, Def Leppard (not 1 of my favorites to begin with) was OK and Reo sucked, the singer looked and sounded like hell. I'm going to see Heaven and Hell in August, should be a good show. I bet cousin geri likes josh grobin, michael buble and some of those other fags.
did REO sing that sound "I cant fight this feeling anymore" Man I hate that fucking song. The only Def Lep song I can think of when ... "love bleeds...its bringing you down on your knees" uggg now that song sucks. I dont remember styx but I am sure they are in the same genre. you may not dress in a fringe coat or boots tonight.... but I am sure you see some at the concert. Along with some airbrushed T shirts... and nascar shirts. yee haw.. welcome to my Walmart. I need to start taking pics of the shit I see people wearing here. I saw a bright yellow pair of sexy boots just like that at the thrift store a few months back... they were not my size, I wish they were. Cause I would have worn them as a joke to lunch with my sister. I can never find funny foot wear in my Sasquatch size.
My cousin thinks she's Cher. She sings that "If I Could Turn Back Time" song on karaoke night,but she is rockin' to the core.
Damn girl. Def Leopard did "Pour some sugar on me", "Animal", "Armageddon It", "Hysteria", "Photograph", "Rock of Ages" And styx did "Babe". That was there big one. You Know It's you Babeeee... Whenever I get weary and I've had enough... Feel like giving up... Tommy Shaw now sings with the guitarist from Night Ranger. Together they are Shaw/Blades.
I like Def Leopard's first stuff from Pyromania. Def Leopard rocked. When I think of Styx I think of "Come Sail Away"
I remember the Pour some Sugar - song... none of the others, Def or Styx. I guess in time and "style" of music... I was not aware of it... and my age might have something to do with it. 31 See in my house growing up... my sister (6 years older) was punk, and at that time my mom went through a RedNeck from hell stage... seriously, she got a convertible Ed Bauer bronco, and had "whisky bent and hell bound" painted on the back... and that was funny because my mom NEVER drank. My dad liked Robert Palmer (he thought he was just like him) so around 12 I started going into the goth/punk/industrial stage in life. hell I hated watching MTV and anything "mainstream" .. by 13 I had a mohawk, and my dad would not take me in public unless I wore a scarf on my head... and I actually liked it, and pretended to be muslim.. hehe a muslim wearing a scarf, short plaid shirt, combat boots, and an "eat a queer fetus for jesus" shirt... carrying a metal lunch box for a purse. I need to scan that pic in. so I am sure I could list my songs from that time period... and you would have no idea what I am talking about as well.
Styx did "Mr Roboto"... surely you know that one. I love Styx. I have been made from of for it, but I don't care. My fave song is "Crystal Ball". I like ELO too even though some of their shit is pretty damn gay. I know a shit ton of popular 70/80's music. I know all the radio stuff from the late 70's to the early 90's. I know one year of country music. 1989... The only year I listened to it. In the early 90's, I went classic rock and then alternative (like so many kids did) and never went back. I couldn't tell you anything that is played on the radio now. I listen to classic rock if I gotta listen to the radio so it's all old songs... like Boston, Pink Floyd... stuff like that.
We pretty much got the same taste then Pukey. I got frustrated in the 90s cause all the grunge shit that was OK but it just seemed to be like listening to the same song for me over and over. Same as now my wife listens to more current music but it drives me nuts. To me its all so crappy you got a beat that repeats its self over and over and and some chick trying to be a diva and repeating herself over and over. Or if its a guy band its either real queer or the opposite with some guy trying to sound gruff. Every once in a while I come across something I like but do not pay enough attention to who it is or the name of the song for that matter. What ever happened to bands like Styx that had musical talent? Instrumentals as well as the ability to actually sing? Damn I sound old but fuck it that's the way I think.