What the fux with IRAN ?!?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by XerxesX, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes Joe you want to discuss diplomatic soultions NOW while THEN you wanted to let the guns speak, and since neo-com politics made strategy USA is bogged down in the middle and not so middle east. Now the government is fighting to prevent, either an embarrasing defeat, or to come out looking like genocidal nazi maniacs.

    That was never about traitorous journalism. It has so far not been a repetition of the vietnam war, where the military thesis was that the war was lost on the home front.
    You cant have your Camaro and feed them new Abrams and Raptors at the same time. These things cost money. However, if it was a major world war between a christianity and islam that was the agenda, then they might have gotten that, but since scientific priniples exist in research, there is no way it will be blamed on the muslems in the future. That would in case be a totalitarian future.

  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm not sure which you are referring to. As for Iraq well diplomacy went nowhere for 12 years as a matter of fact all it resulted in was corruption amongst our supposed allies against us. Basically other countries were making millions off of our compassion in the oil for food program and in the end it seems there were being blackmailed for having done so. As bad as it had gotten in 12 years where do you suppose it would be in another 12? As for Afghanistan we were not attacking them or in anyway provoking them when they attacked us were we? So much for diplomacy there. As for Israel in Lebanon. There was an attempt at diplomacy called Resolution ....ah.. 15(something) 1531? Anyways that was the so called diplomacy. In every one of these cases the bad behaviors is not on the side of the Americans or the Israeli's the bad behavior is on the side of the Terrorists.
    Oh and the Washington Post ... PFFFFFFT a virtual communist publishing house.
  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    PFFFFFFT ? Apart from that you have good points here.

    Hizballah is not a terrorist organisation though. They have a strong backing and fight on or close to their own land.

    ( Nowadays people use "terrorist" about "foe" and thats a shame. Read this palestinian writer and she wrote "israeli terrorist acts" ).

    I was talking about all that going into foreign land with huge armies, but I can be mistaken and fooled as to the political programme of the conservative wing in Islam. If this programme would be hardline anyway it would be good strategy to try that "preemptive" thing. But nothing indicates that a broad muslim population would have supported the hardliners if we had not put them in such a position.

    Afghanistan never attacked you. They harboured a terrorist that used his illgained cia knowledge in an attempt at driving western influence out of his native land, Saudi-arabia. USA allso harbours terrorists from drugtrafficking and genocide-squads ( school of the americas ).

    One could argue that you attacked Afghanistan. The socialist republic was starting to get their women out of the closets and into social life. A slow awakening to education and toothbrushes under the sovjet umbrella.

    Afghanistan was used as a trap for the sovjet war-machine. Islam was awoken as a counter-communist ideology. The results have been striking.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The Persians of Afghanistan were at one time far ahead of many of its Arabic neighbors in the advancement of education and living conditions what have you. I would argue that the soviets screwed it up and created the breeding ground for radical fundamentalist Muslim groups.

    I'll say that my definition of terrorists. Un uniformed (Hezbollah does fit this they only wear uniforms for photo ops it would seem). Tend to use the cover of Civilian population. Use scare tactics to control local population such as the bombings. Disregard Geneva conventions.

    Frankly I'm surprised to see this coming from you Xerx comparing apples to oranges and making excuses for them.

    In the war on terror we cannot afford to allow a country to sit idly by and allow themselves to be overrun by an shadow government of terrorists. While they take a hands off approach to diplomacy claiming innocence. In the case of Afghanistan we did not attach their country we rescued them.

    This will go on for years to come however hatred breeds hatred. The world will continue becoming more evil. I believe it just like they do I just do not believe that I can strap a bomb to myself and hasten the coming of the end. The tide could be turned but it will not be the main instigators are the media pundits that legitimize the absurd this encourages masses of desperate people to join the fold.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Check out the From Love to Hate video trailer. And tell me Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization.

    Also here is the catch 22.

    Judge Nixes Warrantless Surveillance

    The leftists in this country are doing everything in their power to assist the terrorists in the war on terror. It is really quite obvious to those who care to observe. The catch 22 is that they will not be called out publicly for having done so either now when they do what they do. Or later when the result of their actions is prolonging the war and preventing success the game now is obstruct success in as much possible way as permit able. While at the same time bombard the public with continuous ant-war propaganda to convince them it is un-winnable.

    While neglecting to consider the only alternative is to simply convert submissively to a theocratic state that is entirely against any other religion or agnosticism for that matter. There is no diplomacy with these people. People will figure that out after it’s all but too late. All in the name of political warfare the Left is destroying this country.

    There is no turning back and loss is not an option. That judge is a stupid like a fox knows well and true that the resident is well within the guidelines for what he has power to do during a time of war. It is his sworn promise to protect the constitution and the country it stands for. This is all about propaganda for the left talking points in forums like this.
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Its the old thingie about taking freedom away for freedoms sake. Sacrifice and dicipline are for real. But wars nowadays are impossible to win without a popular base. Do you have that in Iraq ?

    Far right claims the left aids the terrorists and far left that the far right created the terrorists in the first place, and will continue to create them as long as current policies are pursued.

    Maybe one needs both carrot and whip ?

    As for the russians screwing up Afghanistan. Both british and russian agents had been there some two centuries before that again.
    Maybe Afghanistan just had the bad luck of being an impenetrable mountain stronghold ? The russians started modernisation and oldfashioned islam was used as a weapon against the sovjets. These are facts. Another way to put it would be to say that USA helped Islam to regain the land of Afghanistan from the socialist infidel. That is allso fact. It is the same fact.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Consider turning on the television, radio, or chatting at the water cooler or on a forum. A means of gathering intelligence. No we are not secrete agents but quite simply when we observe and digest information we in essence are gathering intelligence. Weather or not we can make quality observations is derived entirely on the quality of our intelligence we observe. To put it bluntly the idea of drawing any sort of conclusive opinion on the Iraq situation is foolish. At best we can only make wild assumptions given the crap intelligence we are getting.

    Is the media helping or hindering? In my opinion hindering obviously the more that the Iraqi people are convinced that we are evil, rape and pillage their population, have bad intent, are opportunist with the intent of keeping them under our boot hills for the sake of oil. Or whatever other propaganda they are fed the less likely we will have that reliable base you talk about.

    Here is some Intel for you: http://www.theotheriraq.com/ take it for what it is and look at it objectively. Let me know what you think.

    The left does not understand what kind of damage they are doing. They saw 911 and their stomach turned not because necessarily of the people that dies and the attack on out country but instead they saw a hated president that they felt reluctant to rally behind under the circumstance. That has gradually changed till at this point they have forgotten about the fact that this is a war on terrorism to them it’s a war with Bush and a victory for terrorists is a victory for the Democrats. They are literally tearing this country apart and if they cannot have control would rather take the country down.

    As far as the right creating terrorism. I ask the question when? Post or pre 911 because Islamic fascism has been going on since the 60's. We are talking about an area of the world where at one time there were fairly equal numbers of religious populations. That are now better than 90 percent Muslim. All of which believe that in the end the world will be an Islamic state. And It would seem as if 50 percent now are of the radical persuasion that it is their duty to hasten the coming of their Islamic state by killing the infidels or forcing them to convert. Other religions have been virtually wiped out not necessarily by conversion. PEOPLE DIE because they do not adhere to their theocratic rules.

    So at what point did the right go in and create this situation. Was it during the beginnings of the freemasons? The Illuminati? The cult of the Skull and Bones?

    Ridiculous? Yes! This situation built up to the fever pitch that it currently is over a slow process of time.

    Did misery and poverty feed it like fertilizer? Yes it did and the right has never benefited from others perceived misery. The party that capitalizes on that is the left thank you.

    Sad but I can assume for the MOST part true. And it was not me that did it so how about we the free people roll up our sleeves, stop fighting amongst ourselves and assist the Afghani people in succeeding with their democracy. One thing about it the war over there is in the hearts and minds of the people. Spreading innuendo and lies will not help nothing ever good becomes of the lies.
  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    A friedn of mine was there a few years ago. ( He was in Nepal when the shit hit the fan there as well ). As for Afghanistan and Islam. If you mis-read the bible you can allso get an ideology that is detrimental to life. Salomos "all is meaningless" can be one example. Same would go for the other major religions. One cannot make an argument that cant be taken out of context and perverted. It is quite possible to get all nations under Islam without changing the religious makeup of nations. Islam means submission to the will of God in arabic. It can be understood as zen, ( Non-doing ) , and has nothing to do with slavery. A good christian is a good muslim if he refrains from drinking and pork and respects Islam as a religion. ( This is not the ruling interpretation, but it is a valid one ).

    Yes ! The kurds have finally gotten a peacefull homeland, free of repression, ( More or less ), It is a long time since they were soldout by the CIA for the love of Saddam. Cant blame them for that either. It is "realpolitik" as Bismarck would have said. A certain degree of fanaticicsm is considered bravery and we have worshipped those willing to die for their society, all of us, but if these "heroes" take their society with them the whole process stinks. Realpolitik must temper the moral dogmas of our holy scriptures. If not the interpreter don`t get the message therein , and they sure cant help their people.

    As for the roght creating terrorism, poor people have rebelled against the preassure of liberalism. Poor people usually pay bodily for the industrialisation of their respective countries. ( From the industrialisation of Britain some hundred years ago, and up untill now ) . It might be neccesary, but it comes out as evil when you are on the receiving end of constantly "competitive" wages, while a few get rich and water gets privatized.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If those assholes in the South want to kill themselves let em. Iraq was a huge success if only for the sake of the Kurds. The story of Northern Iraq goes untold because simply it is a positive story.

    As for your statement:

    You can look find and pick a place where that may be true say Lebanon for instance. But you have to ask; for how long? Even there the radical extremist are taking over. This true even when they have a small minority of the population control. What do you think it is like in for instance Iran where the Christian is a really small minority? There are modern day Christian Maryters throughout the world and always at the hand of Muslims and not the other way around.
  10. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    As for your statement
    And muslims are killed in Europe now and again.
    You have hatecrime in the states as well.

    Some of what you say about democrats and journalists allso makes that a viable case in the states. That democrats and republicans cant live together, and that republicans will allways be the victims of a leftist terrorist-friendly media, untill war settles it !

    The rightwing frontpagemagazine say it sweet and short.
    "Work with us now, or for us later".
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Good magazine. I like the quote not sure how it applies to journalism except that eventually people will see that they were being fed a ration of shit by the left media and tunes them out entirely. I say that is a naive assumption. All they have to do is spin another lie to cover the initial lie and the web continues to be spun eventually history rewritten even.

    Still a good magazine though.
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    You know what I think about your assumption of a leftist controlled media in the states. The critique raized in papers like the NYT is not that harsh, and an important part of keeping your democracy alive. The frontpage magazine spews out its filth in a broad fan. Their hate is scary and might be the reason you want to bash in the heads of senior citicens with baseballbats. This war-chant can hurt your country. The current middle-eastern policy is a disaster for the populations in the region. That they then hate you back is no suprise.

    The idea that this is a clash of civilisations where USA and Israel are the brave spearheads is at best naive. While people hide in their respective religions, ( mine is christianity ), you planet suffers inder the strain of excess population and consumption. I do not think you are evil Joe. That is why I warn you against frontpage. They might have their place in the scheme of things, but they are a danger to your nation, or to democracy, or both. 8 They occasionally have good interviews though ). personally I like Znet and I have read Leyla Muammars blog during this Israeli-Hizballah terror of civilians in northern Israel and Lebanon. And even though she consequently calls the israeli military "terrorist" I know there is another side to it. Znet has an open blog though. I cant seem to find that on frontpage, but then they are at "war", and have been since Horrowitz got abducted by UFO`s.
  13. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    But since that Kamenei absolutely puts nuclear power on his otherworldly agenda I will read some frontpagemag myself.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I don’t see the hatred please show me the hatred? My emotional reaction to someone of extreme power like Mike Wallace to stand there and abuse this opportunity to try to taint the truth and pervert reality to the extent that he does all with the only obvious objective of legitimizing an egomaniac like the Iranian President at the expense of diplomacy. Should have his head bashed in as an act of self defense. But that just my knee jerk reaction he will eventually get his it’s coming. Mike Wallace as well as most of the media elites are traitors to their country.

    What war chant? I hear no war chant. I hear a “for Christ sake this is ridiculous why are we not taking appropriate measures to defend ourselves” chant and this is only normal I would say.

    You imply that the middle east hates us because we defended ourselves. I’m saying they absolutely do not they hate us for what they have been told by the media about us. People like “sweet, kind, compassionate, wise, Mike Wallace” They create chaos in our own country due explicitly to our approach when dealing with them which is tainted by our socialist policies. Political Correctness is the problem and that’s not a problem that you can attribute to frontpage mag. Political correctness is the reason why we avoid searching the bastards at airports and instead randomly search little old grandmothers that are no more a terrorist than a cow is about to jump over a moon.

    Look at France, England, Germany who takes a different more accomidating approach to the middle eastern people. What do they get for being nice?

    This war chant is hurting our country you say?

    Maybe we should take the French approach.

  15. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    The hatred lies in their monotonic description of facts twisted to their agenda. "If Iran wants nukes , lets give it to them". If you want to see these things you should start with your assumption that bashing in the head of a journalist is an act of self defence.

    That you cant even discriminate between your hate of the iranian prez and a journalist that intewivs him while treating the head of state of a foreign nation with respect says it all. There is the hate and if you see it in yourself you allso see it in that sturmfrontpage.

    I could be willing to view some of the rightwing killers from the wars in central and south america as soldiers on one of two sides. They have no such ability. For them the people that fought against US interrests were, and allways will be "terrorists".

    The gap this creates will end up hurting somebody. I am sick and tired of "warriors" hurting people through harsh onedimentional words and bad stratagems.

    You were speaking of the other Iraq the other day, and the kurdish situation is cool, but you now need help from Nato in Afghanistan, you have serious problems in Iraq, and you have these frontpage-freaks calling for a broadening of the war. Both you and I know what tactics that would entail. Maybe you would not mind doing to civilian ireanian infrastructure what Israel did to the lebanese.

    The journalists are not the traitors here Joe. You are. You spit on the freedom of the press and you spit on the basic human rights. The revisionism is nor coming from the left here. It is coming from the right and it has been planned as an act of warfare. "To win the media war" has proven difficult. The danger has shown to be that the media.warrior ends up attacking his own power-base. ( This base is divided in its opinion of the war and of how it should be run ) If you want to see a smart republican, study the language of C.Rice, and lately allso G.W.Bush. It could have been fun dicussing this oldtimers talk with the iranian prime, but when headbashing and talk of traitorous media comes along thats not possible.

    "Work with us now or for us later" is a threat of economic sanctions. Their whole setup is terrorising people to shut up and fall in line. I sure hope this isnt a sigh that USA is about to crack up and fall apart. That kind of talk seems quite desperate.
  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    As for "behead those that insult Islam". Why not stay on another level ?
  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i've said it before i'll say it again...
    if it weren't for the french you'd be speaking english... stupid yankee prick
  18. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Browbeat into making bad financial decisions? You want to talk about diplomatic solutions, but anyone that disagrees with you is completely irrational and must be dealt with by force. That's your MO Joe. Now go off and work your government job and continue bitching about how your paycheck is a waste of taxpayer dollars and it's all the democrats fault. We're all listening very closely to what it is that you have to say.

    Just because you were outsmarted by a loan officer doesn't mean that we're all out for a commission check. Some people actually believe in repeat business Joe.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No bad financial decisions here Dio I did loose money on my last home because I only lived there about 1.5 years after the mortgage at 100% plus finance charges. I paid high market value for the home because I knew it was a good investment. Ironically since the year it’s been about after I left the values are shooting up there quite simply because it’s a high demand really convenient area with a rarity. Flat 1 to 1.5 Acre lawns with single level ranch homes. And mature trees built in the late 80's early 90's and all brick. You can pretty much find all of those attributes except for that quality of yard and still be conveniently located in town.

    The guy who purchased it got screwed though he went for a conventional 80 20 and paid huge finance fees.

    I'm savvy enough to see an asshole coming a mile away. Any good sales person is an asshole. It's what they do for a living. If I were you I would work on getting my other license. Insurance (term not whole) investments, financial consultant. Try getting paid to advise people to make honest good decisions in their best interest not yours.
  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I was scammed today because Romanian Ley has changed from 40 per dollar to 4 the last year. Naivite can be useful though. A broad acceptance of information can be sifted at a later point. I hear that the US real estate market is pretty rotten. Yanks are good at capitalism though, youll make do and get by somehow. A permanent place to live sounds cool. Might dull your senses though.

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