It is a professional anal job. Dont they look a bit alike ? Besides it is probably a fake Amadinejahn and it was all preepared in a Hollywood studio ! And Dio said that religion and politics dont mix :lol: Satan is after all the creator of all our religions and cults exept one. The pure one. If we could all just join that one , then everything would be OK. It could be pentecostal or catholic or muslem or hindu or some such, but maybe it is a set of yoga-exercises with the sound OOoOohMMm and greeting the sun. There would be something that was bad to eat, and maybe a maximum limit of wifes/hubbies, but then again......................................... The woomb of black mother earth. And skyfathers clear blue blessing. By his tears and her flesh I bless. Modern christian satanism states that HE created HER. some 10 000 years ago the herecy was opposite, though modern science explains that the male sex is a 280 mill years old mutation. Its got 100 mill more to go and has lost 97% of its genetic material so far. Compared go the female genome, the male is a gnome, or a dwarf. So maybe they were closer to the truth back then.On the other side , men grow better beards than women. Dwarf or not. And both santa and god and nefertiti are equipped with beards. Only Nefertiti has one of gold though. What beliefes were behind Saddams dispositions before the 1.Gulf war, and how far had Hizbollah recognozed the IDFs need to crack down on coordinated strategies from the muslem far right ? One can only wonder.
Maybe a combination of yoga and bad tofu? better mate sure that you are in the front of the Yoga class or practice your yoga alone.
Drudge report: Like I said that was not journalism that was treason. I'd love to see that old mans head bashed in with a baseball bat like someone’s post Halloween pumpkin Jack lantern. What a disgusting display of sickening venomous putrid crap.
Civilian journalists are supposed to be 50% treasonous and 50% patriotic, and everybody farts now and then. Old farts no more than others. Probably less due to slower metabolism. GE has started some interesting work on providing energy for the future. hay can probably monopolize their technology anyway. Personally I want a good oldfashioned fireplace, but the worldpops methane output would be quite an addition to self-sufficieny. In a smurfich future when radiation makes survival suites neccesary that methane could run our entertainmen systems
Reasonable people need to get together on this we need to stop the proliferation of Nuclear weapons. Everyone knows that Irans intent has nothing to do with energy source he can generate more then enough burning a tiny minescule fraction of his oil. Either that or give every country on the globe enough ICBMs Nukess, and Satelights complete with the needed technology. And inform all that if one hits the button that invariably the world will be completly destroyed within a few hours. See if they learn how to respect each others space for a change.
That could be detrimental to a secure supply of oil. Everybody without cheap energy enough within its borders would have to beg for mercy and lick ass for real.
Could it possibly be that they are looking for a nuclear umbrella to prevent their nation from an incursion by western forces? Nah, that would be crazy. Why would he think a western nation would invade a sovereign middle eastern state? Oh, shit. My bad. The United States invaded the Middle Eastern State of Iraq on the pretense that they were "supporting terrorism" and were developing "weapons of mass destruction". That sounds remarkably familiar. Oh, my bad. That's because they're saying the exact same thing about Iran. But why would he possibly think he should have a trump card to prevent the invasion of a much larger, better equipped, and better trained military force?
I'm sorry I did not know that Iran was peacefull and reciently decided to build a nuclear bomb due to unnecessary threats by the U.S. I take it all back. Where do I enlist to help out in whatever way I can with the Nuclear program in Iran cause god knows its justified and reasonable. They do need a nuclear bomb any reasonable person can see that.
If we're going to present false dichotomy then we'll use this one. Either we have to invade Iran and destroy their nuclear research, or we leave them be and they use a nuclear weapon against us. There are many more options then that, but you refuse to acknowledge them. Iran is a sovereign nation, if they wish to develope nuclear power that is their right. They are not required to comply with U.N. orders, any more then the U.S. was required to follow U.N. directives when it invaded Iraq. The situation is much more complicated then you present it as Joe. Of course, you're all for freedom and allowing people to do what they want, until they disagree with you. Then you're all about authoritarianism. That's why they should take a bat to Mike Wallace's head. How dare he paint the leader of Iran as anything more then a one-dimensional despot bent on the nuclear destruction of the western world?
Wow I though that was pretty strong statement and was beginning to think it slipped right under the radar. Kudos Dio! But after that display of treason I would still relish the idea, I'm picturing it right now in my mind kind of like Chester's Kangaroo pic with the back basked in ands an eyeball popped out of socket and the sheer peacefulness of it all. Over no more to listen to no more damage to do. Where did I say (and this one I won't let you dodge) that there were no other options on the table except a military invasion of Iran? I'm simply asking for an "on the record" accounting right now of weather anyone believes that that Iranian shithead is attempting to develop a nuclear weapons program. Who knows the little shit could be bluffing. And we invade and All Gore has a partial aneurism "He Played on our fears!" the left wing and conspiracy theorist develop stories that it was all a smoke and mirrors trick by the Illuminati. Or some Secrete Bohemian cult.
There you go again. "Shithead" is not a neutral term and carries little meaning as long as even shitheads carry their shit further down in the system. I understand that "shit" can be the most subjective of all anglo-saxon terms but even so.... Iran need nukes, ( from an iranian perspective ), if you ask ten taxidrivers in Teheran eight will likely reply that Iran need both nukes and a more western-style democracy. The russian offer of refining the fuel for them seemed to solve the problem of nuclear power for civilian use. What happened there ? Why didnt they get their shit together ?
Haha! Yeah on the first I admit I'm not very subjective. But I mean this guy would make a better cartoon character than Kim Jung isn't that his name the North Korea Dictator? Just picture it in the same spirit as that movie "Team America" This short little bowed up man with a perpetual grin on his face talking about ruling the world and being the 12th Prophet. I mean to me that’s a shithead. :lol: On the second point yeah they hate us and want to emulate us On the third point. Yeah man no shit that’s what I'm talking about. But its not like it is any secret everyone knows how ridiculous it is.
If you don't think invasion is the only viable means of dealing with the Iranian nuclear situation the I'd like to hear what other options you consider viable for dealing with the situation. You don't trust the U.N., you don't think they should be allowed to develope peaceful nuclear technology, you don't think that an Arab coalition would handle the situation properly, and the situation just isn't going to go away on its own. So what other options are you proposing to get the outcome you want?
Going by your logic you are systematically eliminating any other option Dio what do you want me to do call you a liar? There are ways but first of all hiding out head in the sand and denial is not one of them.
You've never had a problem with calling me a liar in the past, why should that change now. I'm saying prove me wrong. List the other options you consider viable.
How about forego all the destructivness and consider the common world need against Nuclear proliferation. How about work together? You are all about confrontation. Come back when you are ready to talk, peace out.
How many people did you talk into making bad financial decisions for a better profit on real estate loan today Dio. Did you brow beat them on their credit till they believed that they were lucky to get your less than prime rate? Did you convince them to go for some interest only up front plan with increasing interest on the idea that they can refi in a few years with a better fixed rate? There is a sucker or a desperate person every day huh? It's ok the more people you cn talk into making bad financial decisions the more people you can then snare with class warfare politics of envy. A nice little cycle that works really well. When it all tumbles down it will be the fault of the rich republicans the big business interest. Like I said until we stop the politics of destruction. Until the media stops trying its damdest to assist in helping terrorism win becuase they would consider it a defeate for Bush. The sooner we can turn this shit around. A small dose of reality in this surel world we live in now would go a long way to make a start. The we can get somewhere with diplomacy.
Quoth Joe ? Quoth joe ? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: And then Please marry me Joe ! We go west and live the sweet life in SanFran 8)
Yes Xerx it was ironic but intentionally so. Dio said he wanted confrontation so I went off subject and went personal thus diminishing the viability of his option by questioning his character. Then back on topic ironically so saying why we don’t stop the politics of destruction. My offer still stands to discuss real ways and means of dealing with the issue diplomatically.