Oh and Horus maybe you best stop thinking that telling people they are under 16 is an insult coz the majority of regulars on here are 30+.I for one would love to be 15 again. And as your only a youngster yourself maybe you should live a little longer before commenting on others.
Yes. I hope you don't recognize that name from experience! I'm all out of herpes medicines... and I don't want to name AIDS ones because that would be mean.
so anyone that hasnt posted here for long is a retard? and you wonder why i thought youre under 16? act like your over 30 then, thats the only way i might have clue of your age, cause frankly i dont care enough about you to go look your personal info up
just cause your big really doenst mean your gonna win a fight, ive seen pleanty of guys smaller then their opponet take them like the best. i cant sayt that im a good fighter as i really have no real need to fight any one, there have been a rare cercumstance in which i needed to weald my fists as weapons. i am also a big guy, im 5' 9" and wiegh in at the 280s a majority of it musle. but i have and see no need to get in to a fight that could be solved with mere words. the one good thing about being a big guy is that you can inherently take pleanty of hits an deliver substancial blows with all the wieght you obtain. i guess im just too passive some times, prolly why i was never good at football. :roll:
No i'm saying you are a retard for your comments on peoples age when you know nothing about them.And you seem to care enough to actually answer and make these comments.So little boy take your playboy to the toilet and go have a wank and unwind like most boys do your at your age and let the grown ups play nice.
cold sores=hepres????????????????? :shock: That bitch gave me herpes...............damn it. What in the hell will I tell my wife when she finds out I have herpes?
10mg/500mg Percocet, 300 mg Neruotin, 10mg flexeril, 25mg Phentergen Syrup, MigQuin Capsules, 1.5 mg Klonopin Thats it for mow
Despite his shame he tells the truth. You have my utmost respect DS. Doctor shopping is a lost art. Barry
Don't sweat it man, I got some really good ecstacy from some whore named Holly, in this little white bread shitty town called Daphne.