FiveInchPecker, Just when I had decided to be nice to you, look what you do! One question - what the hell do I have to gain by lying to a bunch of total strangers about my height and weight? I already told you I am woefully out of shape. It's not like I am trying to act all cut and buff. I used to be an athlete. College football scholarship and all. (Division 1AA -I have already told you that I was too slow for a major college). I am now a 45 year old "has been" couch potato. But I can still kick your ass as long as we only do 30 second rounds and have 3 minutes to recover between them. Lets get together at Dwaines house, and video the match. I hear he has hosted wrestling matches in his backyard before. We could sell the video on Fugly to raise the money to pay your hospital bill, with enough left over for a sex change operation to convert you back to a man. You are just mad because I got everyone on your site to laugh at you. Get over it, or get used to it! PS - No guns allowed. Fat won't stop a bullet, and whacko people like you really do make me nervous. Barry
Dwaine and I are actually working on becoming a tag team phenomena in the WWF. Here is our offical publicity photo - Barry
In reference to Dan's two posts - Dan - I completely agree. Lifting heavy weights at my age is stupid. I am doing some aerobic stuff now. I think I have finally accepted the fact that I am geting old. I got completely out of breath just stacking concrete blocks Saturday. It SUCKS I tell ya! My blood pressure is 130/84 most of the time. Sudafed pushes it to 140/90. I really need to get it down. When I weigh around 270, it drops to 120/80. Guess I know what I need to do huh? Barry
What aerobics are you doing? I used to jog, but if I use anything but a treadmill my knees turt to fire.
Ok. Let me take some time off from work, buy a plane ticket to wherever Dwaine lives, and kick your chubby ass. :roll: Look retard, you know where I live and I hear you do business in Boston. If it means that much to you, come see me. You'll see in about 3 seconds you're not dealing with the little boys in your boot camp.
this shit is still going on?! for the love of fucking, we got it, she lied, no one gives a fuck, move on you actually enjoy doing this? shit!
I swear, you f*****g hairless ball sack, you spew bile on my cyber fiance again and I will see to it that your clitoral sized penis is vigorously inverted by means only imagined in your deapest nightmares, dont believe me?? Oh and the gun only serves to make you look like a bigger prick ( ah, if only, eh?? ).
Blinded by rage, my sweetums came to my defense. How good it is to be loved!! So she confuses me with Medicvet. Nobody said she had to read every word of every post. Mia is the bestest. oxoxoxoxo Barry
HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE TOP SECRET "BUSINESS TRIPS" TO BOSTON????? The perp was within my grasp. I was THAT close. Now you go and blow my cover and ruin months of work. Sheesh. Some patriot you are. Oh, and can I have about three months to train before I kick your ass? Then maybe we could do 30 second rounds with only a two minute break between them. (....and I really am 6'3'', and you're really not ) If you would like to get together later and discuss these unresolved anger issues you have, please feel free to call. I will cut the standard rate in half for you, since I have a sliding fee scale based on height and IQ. Barry
OOPS, did I make another mistake? You forgive me Barry, dont ya? I will try harder to read all posts, but it is draining :cry: