Barry. I know I don't write very often in here but this really caught my attention. How tall are you and what do you weigh, if you don't mind me asking. I'm 6'0 and weight about 210 and have been lifting weights since I was in high-school. I've benched 310, maybe 315 before. 400 is a LOT of weight. Are you sure about that number? It just seems like an awful lot. That's like bench-pressing 75% of Dwaine.
I really am 6'3' and 312. I can't bench press 400 anymore, but I did in college. I did three reps of 300lbs last week, along with a moderate workout. I am still to sore to work out again. I am BAD out of shape. Barry
Fugly was in a nice way calling you on your bullshit. You are NOT 6'3" and 312#...well maybe you are 312#, fatboy. You never benched 400# either. It's a smokescreen.
] I wouldn't be surprised if you or even someone youger induced an aortic aneursym and possibly a dissecting aorta which kills 70% of people it afflicts instantly. Once someone gets an aneurysm the tendency is for it to keep enlarging until it bursts causing instant death. The aorta gets bigger in diameter as you get older anyway. The pressure within the aorta when lifting big weights can triple or quadruple hence the aneursym. It's not healthy and there is really no point outside professional sport. Being "in shape" as in living longer and preventing disease means being in good cardiovascular shape through running and whatnot.
One thing that can be done to help reduce the spike in blood pressure is to not hold your breath and strain with your abdominal muscles (valsalva). Trying to keep an open glotis is helpful.