Yes, do be gentle with us simple fuglyfolk. . Its like the first time drinking out of a water fountian. Gotta be sensitive to the amount of pressure behind fluids.
Please be patient with us Ucicare...we're not terribly bright, but what we lack in mental prowess, we make up for in enthusiasm. Oh and by the my post's suppose to be "While" they sleep...will have to slow down my typing...can't find an edit option...wouldn't want my typo's to make me look even more ignorant. Seems like a well placed smilie would be apropos right about here :lol:
Yes, do be gentle with us simple fuglyfolk. . Its like the first time drinking out of a water fountian. Gotta be sensitive to the amount of pressure behind fluids. We'll keep that in mind I'm sure.......~~shaking head violently~~
I just hope that it is not real. Surely to God nobody outside of a mental hospital would actually do that to themselves. Barry
Ucicare Although I agree with your sentiment...I imagine if you offered to pay them enough they would do it...look at Fear Factor...if that doesn't convince you how low people are willing to stoop for money I don't know what will.
Good point. I hate that kind of stuff. I wish the site had a minimal set of standards, but alas, it doesn't. Case in point of why I call it a cesspool. Barry
Yes you used those exact wordes to me in a PM..."cesspool", know I understand why...oh so lovely....the rapture!
Not much different than creating a piece of modern art depicting the Madonna made out of dung...Saatchi I believe? I heard that burned in a fire...gosh such a loss.
I hate to break this to you, (actually I don't) but the VA knows more about me than you ever will. I don't have a need to explain shit to you and don't have to explain shit to the VA as they have all the facts they will ever need. But knock yoursef out. Give it your best shot..just not literally, as I am armed and if you come to my town looking for a fight I will defend myself by any means necessary and be well within my legal rights in this state to do so. In Oklahoma and Texas they don't let stalkers off with a slap on the wrist either. Online is bad enough. I will be calling the VA tomorrow and tell them that while they won't take the kind of pathetic crap you are pulling seriously, that I do and might need anything given to them as evidence in a legal matter myself. just so you do know that.
I know its evil, but I simply giggle at the image of Barry seeing that at work! And, even if you didn't Barry, let me have this one.
So Barry, if you are so concerned about "Medic," then what are you doing to help her other than bitching at us for "picking on her?" Go ahead, reach out to her. Help her... Be prepared to open your checkbook too, while you're at it.
How come I never got the no smiley memo???? And, CBWIFE, just as long as they have lots of chocolate and Macadamia nuts, I will enjoy them....
How come I never got the no smiley memo???? And, CBWIFE, just as long as they have lots of chocolate and Macadamia nuts, I will enjoy them....
Interesting choice of cookie...... Enjoy........I'll share the inside joke one day. Thats of course if I'm not lynched first.....
Well, I bet most of you won't be lynched. Just be like me, keep your head down and post only when you want too. Notice the date of my joining and the number of my posts. I am by no means a post whore. So, I have survived here unscathed for a couple of years. Knock on wood!!