Canine - Since you seem to want to post replys that shock people, I have a suggestion. Post an original and intelligent thought. That would be the shock of the year for this forum. Barry
Thanks Mia for that moment of clarity. Concerning the size of your prizes - have you considered breast reduction surgery? It is really easy to do the V cut and stitch. I think the procedure is called a Lopatitoffomy. Barry
I would really hope that Bugs is not MY BARRYS betta half as if anybody has the spare time to check through her posts they will see that she can hardly string a sentence together, please give Barry some credit, he has taste and looks REALLY goood in my shagging boots
Most of my life is spent clarifying Barry, like to spend my spare time finding out how we can better treat our patients! Empathy is the key I think! And Ahem why you no like my boobies you have special pics :cry:
Only you would find that remotely shocking barry, so don't attempt to place any motives to what I do. You don't know me, and besides, you're not "inteligent" enough. And an attack from you on originality, is pure comedic irony; with you being a bible bashing jesus freak who hasn't done or thought anything the church hasn't told you to, and who has lead a life so sheltered it has left you socialy retarded. I bet your kids fucking hate you, deep down. Well you probably caused your daughter to go all psycho. Has she killed herself yet barry?
**Looks up and shakes head** this is just gonna set barry off. **stretches out in the reclining office chair, rubs the fertile ground encourage a robust moustasche for the contest** yup this could be interesting.
Oh my dearest Mia, I think you are a vision of perfection! You were the one expressing some discomfort with your size, hence the suggestion for the procedure. (did you catch the humor - Lop-a-tit-off-a-me?) I think you are a dream. Gorgeous You, Sultry Sam, the Insatiable Medicvet, and Hot Legs Nursey may be the real reason that Bugsy hates this place! FYI- she is really much brighter than her posts indicate. A Mensa member as a matter of fact. She and a group of my daughters friends posted some of the junk she wrote. By the way, she would never use profanity. Any profanity in the posts was probably from one of the gang of hoodlums that hangs out here, using her nick without her knowing. Barry
What is the minimum IQ required to be intelligent enough to "know" you? Mine is an embarrassingly low 144. Do you know of any mental exercises that I could do to boost it up so that we can be buds? Barry
mensa is just a scam, £30 for a years membership and all you get is a magazine advertising meetings full of socially inept people?
I totally agree. Twenty years ago it seemed cool though. Star Trek did too. Both are now on about the same level. Barry
Ever heard of the different forms of intellegence? Its said that IQ measures logic and mathmatical understanding. The theory is that there are seven types. Emotional, social, etc.
which is why there's 3 different tests to get into mensa i guess.. though they only count one of them.. the highest.. (obviously) oh and what about ten years ago!!
I actually took one of the tests, and if it's supposedly a shining example of how to gauge one's intelligence, then we're all pretty retarded; I answered all but four but the questions we're pretty pathetic.
Fugly is a forum for people that try reeeeeallllly hard at being clever, I am also a member of MENSA, now hands up if u believe me? . . . . . Is true my friends! My son who turns 13 on Mon has an IQ of 126, he is at the moment the most ignorant person I have ever met though I love him dearly, obviously when I say 'most ignorant person' I exclude present company
Well the thing is that in their day to day lives a substancial proportion of Fugly folks are deemed low lifes or feel like a low life, in the regular hum drum of daily existence, the truth I think is that a small percentage of fuglies are 'stupid, thick', etc the rest are not as smart as they think (coz everybody thinks they are one up on everybody else?!?!), though not as dim as they are thought of. it seems to me that everybody is competing for intellectual prowess . . . . .On FUGLY, what the . . .? I write the the smallest most childish bull on here and people react in the most extreme way, me no understand?? Enlightenment sought rsvp