I just walked in from the Mother's Day from hell meal. We tried to go to 2 places, but the wait was 1.5 hours... so we said fuck it and went to Golden Coral .... me, my sister, her husband, her 3 kids, her gay little nephew, my bro in laws mom, my 2 kids, my mom (who is fucked up on pills) and my grand mother (that has Alzheimer's) The lines at the buffet were so long I just ate what was east to get to... imitation crab meat salad and cottage cheese... and banana pudding. The waiter came to the table to bring extra plates, and my grandmother said "I will have a cheese burger" (it is a buffet- you dont order food) Then my mom stands up and pushes the waiter to the side saying "excuse me honey, I just shit my pants" My sister's 2 year old, was throwing a bad fit... my 1 year old found it fun to throw food at the 2 year old. My bro in law was not feeling very good... he was hit in nuts real hard about 2hours earlier... actually threw up... and was still in pain in his belly. We were the most fucked up table there... and of course when we left, my mom filled her purse with cookies... WTF?
well I just barfed... the kind that gets stuck in sinuses... the burning barf. my throat hurts now... I hate eating at that place.
Your life should be made into a movie. You should sell your life story to someone for a ton of money.
I think a reality show would be better. I did video a little- my first time videoing something in years... just got dueling screaming brats throwing food... and my bro in law and I arguing over whos baby was worse. While my grandmother asked 2 times "where is my pocket book" she has not carried one, or owned one in like 6 years. Im about to head out to Arab baby's first dentist appointment... I plan on filming that. I already feel sorry for the dentist
I had a dream about you last night. You had to have foot surgery and I watched your arab baby in the hospital for you (he was being really good) and I was logging the time you went in there and recording what the DR said because you wanted it all typed out when you were done. WTF? Back on the subject... I think tomato soup sounds like a good idea to eat today. I eat mine with club crackers.
Thats creepy... because I told a friend I was on the phone with last night... "Oh shit I just broke my foot- call you back" I hung up and realized I meant to say SHOE.. not foot - she called me back 5 minutes later and asked if I needed her to watch the baby. I also dreamed a few days ago about a girl with my exact body... but her foot was at her knee... I guess it is all a sign, and should wear flats for a while. Arab baby showed his ass at the dentist... it was over quick, he just looked at the teeth for one minute and said come back in 6 months.. we were in and out in less than 20 minutes, so no video.
I had some fake chicken (too lazy to add noodles) and this stuff. I love this stuff. I dip crackers in it just so I can eat it.
I love that stuff.. so does my son. His favorite quick meal is those Bowl of Noodles... kinda like fat ramen.. with that stuff mixed in.
drunken logic would typically cause me to cook the fajitas I've got marinading right now - yet, I abstain. I will forgo food for an additional day so that I can realize the full benefit of Ethanol metabolism within my body.
this stuff. He makes it himself, you just add water, he only uses half of the powder stuff that comes with it... throw in microwave, throw in a few spoons of that Classico sauce... It is actually a pretty big bowl. He never can finish it... when he makes it- all the cats sit and wait for him to put the left overs down... so they can eat it.
Hmm... never seen it before. I've never had Ramen noodles so I don't really know what they are like but I googled them and have an idea.
the flavor is in the powder pack.. and he does not use it... he did a while back but only half of it... now just the noodles and the Classico sauce they come in different flavors. That was the best google img I could find.