I just wanted to point out that you miss-spelled sodium pentathol, not that I know how to spell it, I just wanted to take this opportunity to point out a spelling mistake by the resident genius.
Yeah.. like a water hose had been shoved up it all night. "No matter how hard I scrubbed, I still couldn't get that filthy slut clean" I got that off of Law and Order last night.
Would you rather me call you out or MAJ? At least I took the pleasure away from him. I did you a favor!
He just likes kicking us georgia peoples, which we dont mind as long as the dawgs drop the hammer in November (again)......
Foosball is tha debil. Why would they have two names for it? Is that just to add confusion to the name of the 'truth syrum'?
Yes, will do. Now back to this three-way You, Dan, and Nursey are cooking up, who's the pivot person?
Like it wouldnt shoot through the wall, the desk, me, and the wall going out. Im not leaving my lead lined office for nothing.
I had a wet dream once, involved me and two extreamly hot chicks that did anything for me. Right as I'm about to fuck them, I wake up. I cried. It was the saddest moment of my life.
If I give you a Jackson, would you promise me to go out and buy a couple of Houston hookers to put this to rest? (Might need another $20 to buy enough drugs to make the aforementioned hookers match your dream, but hell, it'd be a wise investment.)