Were the Levees Intentionally Blown?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Sep 13, 2005.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Hey smurf, maybe they're reading up on the 1918 pandemic because that was the result of people being stuck together in close and un-sanitary conditions? If you do some research about the 1918 pandemic, H1N1 is the flu variation, then you'd know that the same virus has struck several times since then. The 1918 pandemic was a product of the conditions wrought by world war 1, not some super-bug. You have to worry about pandemic anytime you have a massive number of people stuck in squalid conditions. Hence the reading up on the 1918 pandemic.
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh yes, because president Bush is worried about our unsanitary conditions. Actually, I think he was more concerned about how it reshaped economic and political power around the world. Nevermind the unsanitary conditions, we got the technology to work around that nowadays. People have immune systems that are just as shitty if not shittier, only we clean ourselves better.

    That's why we have chemtrails. It doesn't matter if you bathe real good or scrub inbetween your toes. If you breath, you get it. And you get more, and more.

    Here in Austin, I've noticed something very scary with the weather lately. I've never seen anything like it in the 21 years I've lived here, and it seems like everyone is too stupid to notice either.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    What exactly would that be Smurf? How long have you been watching the weather out there, actually intently enough to notice a difference? You're being vague again.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    hey big beaner diaz, I thik the only logical solution for you is, to kill yourself, Now hear me out smurf, the goverment is going to destroy the earth (the same planet its on) so why don't you "one up-pie" the goverment and just do yourself before they do you? Seems logical to me, and boy won't you show them! And scince you are gonna die soon anyway, can I have your televisions and and autombiles you own?
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Wouldn't you feel bad everytime you watched that TV, knowing that you encouraged Smurf to kill himself? If you wouldn't, then why not? You need a hug, and maybe some lithium.
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    no i wouldn't... I ussually tell one persona a day (on these forums, the telephone, real life) to kill themselves... I just want some free shit.. There was rumors about kitana, but I think that was a myth.. I was kinda happy she did kill herself
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So the lithium shouldn't have been listed under maybe?
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I accually take Paxil CR
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    that's cool, no wonder you can't sleep. :wink:
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    is that a bad thing?
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Not really, I never go to bed before 5 or 6 in the morning, but I work at a coffee shop. I'm self medicated.
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I saw yu on-line, I tried to message you, halfwaythrough you logged out
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    sorry about that, I was at an internet cafe and was running out of time. I had to sign off.
  14. EngrOpsNCO

    EngrOpsNCO New Member

    Stole 1st election

    Blew up WTC

    Blew up pentagon

    stole a second election

    Blew up levees

    And them dumb ass sonofabitches can't drum up one WMD find in a remote location of a third world location occupied my their military.

    These got to be the dumbest brilliant people I've ever heard of.. :roll:
  15. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Jeke em' if they can't take a fuck?

  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I take it the point you are making is that if those people are capable of doing all that, then how is it they weren't capable of finding fake 'evidence' in their search for W.M.D.? Well, they did have a few half assed attempts at it...but really only to make it look as if they were actually looking for the weapons they knew all along ceased to exist. It didn't really matter by that time, the 'hook' had been cast, and the public fooled 'line and sinker' into supporting a war it would otherwise have opposed.

    It was in exactly the same way that public support was drummed up for 'Operation Desert Storm' ...remember the incubator story?

    And those people responsible for such grand deceptions and crimes against humanity are even so unabashed as to rub our noses in it...do you think they give a shit what the public thinks, so long as they get away with it?

    As long as the lie enables them to achieve their aims, they haven't failed at all, in their opinion.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Democracy leads to oligarchy. Read Plato's Republic, I know they have.
  18. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Nursey, I miss your gifs.

    I didn't vote for him in the last election, but it didn't matter because the outcome was decided before the polls.

    But probably they they threw out my ballot because I also voted against adding a prohibition on gay marriage to my state's constitution. Obviously that was evidence that I was crazy and couldn't be trusted with a vote. Even my top secret second vote that I get for being a Mason was thrown out. It was a bummer.

    Also, we haven't heard too much about Tony Blair lately. What's he up to?
  19. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    I read the republic and I thought it sucked.

    I think democracy ends when people realize that they can vote to receive free money from the government. Either that or when the economy collapses under a crippling trade deficit with a country where it's legal to pay your employees in fruit rhind.
  20. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Hence the Oligarchy in democracy. Read it again, I think you missed the point.

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