Dan that last statement sounds like the beginning of the Kentucky mating ritual usually reserved for exclusively shouting from the porch of your double wide in a wife beater, boxer shorts, and black socks with the bottle of Jack Daniels clutched deftly in your right hand. While I am flattered at your attempt to gain my interest with your complex and intricate wooing techniques, I have to politely decline at this time, perhaps if you turn your interest to your faithful hunting companions you will get the desired response and interest you seek. I did include the picture for your convenience: Dan I think that when you start wooing your favorite pooch of the pack you should slip on the Mr. T outfit you so proudly display and showcase year after year and don't forget in that moment of passion to slip in your favorite saying "I PITTY THE FOOL" Best Wishes & Happy Hunting Buff
What a moron. Stole that lame shit right out of the fugly pictures forum which was ripped off an ignorant e-mail talking about people from Tennessee.
All I know is, that sequence of flashing lights gave me a seizure, and made me shit myself. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Good day to you sir.