My girlfriend's car is possessed. Everytime I drive it, there is a weird film on the windshield and windows. I clean them and in a week or so, it's back. It is not smoked in and is kept clean and hardly driven. Sometimes it will be shut up for days. The car has a waxy scented candle smell... like one of those tarts people burn. It smells like a burnt tart... vanilla/coffee/cinnamony odor. I can't seem to find the cause. She said a tart did melt in there a long time ago but it's gone. Could the summer heat be reigniting the oils and causing some sort of vapor to form on the windows? I mean, this car is clean and free of any obvious causes. But the car always has smelled like that. That was the first thing I noticed about it and that was years ago and in the winter so there goes the heat idea.
Trade that shit in and get you some gubment motors money. Anything in the car could cause a smell the 'film' is something else. Have you tried spraying lysol in the AC intake (usually under the wipers on the cowl) with the ac going wide open. If there is anything in there the Lysol will wipe it out (usually moisture can cause some fungii to form). Does the windshield leak any? If it has a slow leak the moisture coming in could cause the film, but not the smell.
No leak. I will try the Lysol thing though. The film is clear... just looks an oil has formed on the windows.
Yep more or less. My Camaro has a cracked dash in this Texas heat it was inevitable. Anyway I got a cool dash cover I think it is Dashmat brand and the chemical vapors that come out of the foam (my theory) cause me to have to clean the inside of the windshield all the time. Not as bad in the winter though. I keep one of those "As seen on TV" Windshield cleaning wands in the back within reach of the driver seat and do a wipe over about once a week or more.
Joe, I think yours is that way because of all the white rain hairspray you use, isnt that like a pre-requisite to driving a camaro???
Ok I'll save everyone a lot it time just fast forward two minutes to hear the quazi shitty song. James Rockford drove a Camaro and he kicked peoples ass. Always knocked guys out in real clandestine fashion with one punch. After they made fun of his hairspray that is.
You spell it, "quasi" dillhole. Pukey has her own song.
I was government educated. EVENTS Media Advisories THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary President Obama to Speak Directly to Students in National Address on Educational Success WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. The speech will be broadcast live on and C-SPAN. The speech is open to pre-credentialed media. The deadline to request credentials is 6:00PM EDT tomorrow, Thursday, September 3rd. September 8, 2009 PRESIDENT OBAMA DELIVERS NATIONAL ADDRESS TO AMERICA’S SCHOOCHILDREN Wakefield High School 4901 S. Chesterfield Rd. Arlington, VA 22206 Media Pre-set: 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (All equipment must be dropped at the site by 7:00 AM; media will not have access to their equipment from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM.) Media Access: 10:00 AM Throw: 60 ft. Cable run: 600 ft. Live truck parking: Trucks should enter the entrance off Dinwiddie Street and will be directed on site. All live trucks must RSVP with vehicle information. Trucks must plan to park by 7:00 AM. Live truck operators must bring cable ramps. Media entrance: Entrance number 2, off Dinwiddie St. Media Coverage: This event is open to pre-credentialed media. To request credentials, please RSVP online at: The deadline to RSVP is 6:00PM EDT tomorrow, Thursday, September 3rd. All names submitted for credentials must be accurate and reflect the identification media presents at check points for entrance. RSVPs do not guarantee access. You will receive a confirmation e-mail if you will receive a credential to cover the event. Contact for logistical and planning purposes only: Johanna Maska at
The heater core is leaking into the vents regardless of weather it is on AC or Heat its causing the film. Just a guess.