Did you get the story about the US Mail plane that crashed on the side of it? There is a plane on a ledge, they went back and got the mail but left the plane. I think Davis is the farthest left, kind of in the back. If memory serves correct. That rock, is really big, not only the part you see, but it stretches to augusta(underground and stuff) we have a place called Hagies Rock, that is part of that rock. Pretty good view from the top of Stone Mountain.
The carving depicts Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis on horse-back, apparently riding in a group from right to left across the mountain side. The lower parts of the horses' bodies merge into the mountainside at the foot of the carving. The three riders are shown bare-headed and holding their hats to their chests. Originally, the carving was to include the armies marching behind them. Taken from Wiki Wiki Wikipedia Good read, about the mountain, including plane crashes and what not.
I was surprised at how many foreigners were there and at Six Flags. I don't say that with disdain, I just didn't know those parks were of interest to anyone outside the Southeast.
Did either of you notice how kind I was last week in not mentioning the Vanderbilt embarrassment? Did ya?
Ok Vandy is used to being beat their beyond being embarassed. So I assume Vandy beat someone who was it?