We need a few more people. Not a lot because I can't keep up. I am registered at a couple of other sites and I hate going to them because I can't keep up and I don't feel comfortable there. For those of you who had multiple usernames, bring them back and have us try to figure out who it is. I would like to post as Tommeh's s mum again, but I don't have my info.
...More IM Chats, that is what drew me to this site, being a huge Blood Ninja fan. (Until I was heartbroken to find out that he was a thief). I love 'em and more would make my day.
Only if the blood is from the anus of a young boy, whose parents were looking to strike it rich by putting their child in therapy for the rest of his life for his trip to neverland.
Some asshole stole a bunch of my IM chats and put his name (bloodninja) on them. He or she is a low-life piece of crap and if anyone ever finds him they should cut his nuts off.
I bet GUMBjork is the parasitic louse 'blood ninja' coming to see if he can squeeze more materiel out of Fugly.
I bet that it's safe to say that your natural reaction to any one or any thing is to assume the worst and then to attack them. I bet you're wrong about GUMBjork though.