I wish I had a pic of it for you momo... but he was a prude... not to mention very tiny..... it was tragic. DOG would NOT have been pleased that I was wasting perfectly good hummers on it.
LMAO same thing i was JUST thinking pink!!!! i HATE those fucks. hey, fugly.com people, go to speakfreeusa.com... they are some inbred mother fuckers over there. and they definitely don't practice free speech like they say they do! they banned my IP because sandy's husband hit on me.
SERIOUSLY momo. I used to try and get him to let me take a pic of it... but alas, I guess he knew that I would someday post it on the internet.
DOG’S COMMANDMENTS 1. Thou shalt always grope a monkey 2. Thou shall know Bridges are good 3. Thou shall know Walmart is evil 4. Thou shalt not strip behind a feed and seed 5. Thou shalt not fuck in a swamp 6. Thou shalt not have kee-ids or chil-rens 7. Thou shalt not open emails titled - check out this COCK TO BRAGG ABOUT 8. Thou shalt not make homemade clothes 9. Thou shalt not have dick in hand 10. Thou shalt not ignore your child for cybersex and/or wine 11. Thou shalt not send unsolicited nudies 12. Thou shalt have plastic surgery if your nose is as big as a stegosaurus 13. Thou shalt not get fake boobies when your poor kid plays with martini glasses for toys. 14. Thou shalt not eat the west coast of canada. 15. Thou shalt not send your kee-id to foster care because it's posessed by the devil 16. Thou shall not say you look fat in a picture because you are pregnant when really you are just a shamu in disguise. 17. Thou shalt not fuck dolphins. 18. Thou shalt not be a theatre god. 19. Thou shalt not jerk off at work. 20. Thou shalt not look at pics of momo with one eye, and your dick in hand with the other eye 21. Thou shalt not be a douche and not gmail for 2 months. 22. Thou shalt not think you are black when you are in fact a fat white guy. 23. Thou shalt not have the screen name deva, because you are too stupid to know how to spell diva 24. Thou shalt not get drunk via a feeding tube. 25. Thou SHALL be a fake christian. 26. Thou shalt not be expected to be cyber groped when you look like alia. 27. Thou shalt not have a hockey puck in your gut 28. Thou shalt not be overweight, and then give yourself the cyber name CANDYSHOP, and not expect to made fun of. 29. Thou shalt not dump your boyfriend because you are in love with an ex stripper with four kee-ids. 30. Thou shalt not have a ( . )( ' ) and pretend you don't 31. Thou SHALL submit fugly people's pictures to fugly.com 32. Thou shalt not live in Florida or Virginia 33. Thou shalt not follow thy Christian lesbian lover to Florida. 34. Thou shall only conceive on days of the year, where your due date falls on the holy day of DOG. 35. Thou shalt not make a web forum about God and not allow anyone to join. 36. Thou shalt not make a forum and ban everyone except your husband and cousin. 37. Thou shalt not snoop in other peoples email accounts--unless it's headee, momo, doug or pink doing the snooping. 38. Thou SHALL kill your fake christian to make real christians look like idiots. 39. Thou shalt not Pull a Beans or Pull a Tails and especially not Pull a Braggins. 40. Thou shalt not try and pass off an emaciated kee-id as your own. 41. Thou shall always be in pursuit of good drama. 42. Thou SHALL worship all Kholer products 43. Though shalt not overdose on dayquil. 44. Thou shalt not use a thesaurus 45. Thou shalt refrain from saying Muah! 46. Thou shalt not be "bi-loving" but straight, gay, or bi in cyberspace ONLY. 47. Thou shall only refer to coffee and tea as HOT STUFF, but never a person 48. Thou shalt not text while receiving chemo. 49. Thou shalt not communicate with your spouse via AIM or myspace comments WHILE YOU ARE IN THE SAME HOUSE AT THE SAME TIME. 50. Thou shall always embrace the language of DOG (ex: guffaw, heart, titally) 51. Thou shalt not work at State Farm Insurance or Stage 17 or Citibank. 52.Thou shalt not put a pic of your kid's bare ass on your myspace profile 53. Thou shall GUFFAW @ the MMM girls treat. 54. Thou shalt not get fake fired from your job. 55. Thou shall be DEDICATED 56. Thou shalt not throw beer at anyone in public, regardless of their skank rating. 57. Thou shall heart Brokeback Mountain. 58. Thou shall not let thyself get garbage duty on the highway. 59. Thou shalt not send your kee-id to daycare, when you are chatting with seans9inchchevy 60. Thou shalt heart tard art. 61. Thou shalt not achieve, unless it is DOG's will. 62. Thou shall get banned fromABC 63. Thou shall not have a chewed up face. 64. Thou shalt not initiate a SMACKDOWN 65. Thou shalt not spend hours making an MMM roster 66. Thou shalt not invent imaginary break-ins (ala Foxy). 67. Thal shalt hate Yoda, the Cat Lady, and Moped Girl. 68. Thou shalt not be psycho ala Foxy, Braggs, Elena, Barb, Cuntney, Biggles, et al. 69. Thou shalt not call oneself a dancer if one is more than 300 lbs overweight. Alternates: Thou shall not get thine crucifix tangled in thine hair (on thine head or oth¬er¬wise). Thou shalt not smuggle potatos in thine cooch. Thou shal not send out pics of thyself clutching thine husbands fugly cock Thou shall allow thyself to be a douche to cunty people Thou shall allow thyself to be a douche to cunty people
LMFAO we have such a history together guys... but, we want to make the fugly.com people part of our FUTURE... *tears up from her sentimental speech*