Seriously, do you think black people are over senstive? I mean you can call most whities honkey, or craker, whatever you wish, and they just shrug there shoulders and go about life. Now a white guy calls a black guy "nigger" and its like world war three. Lawsuits, fights, I mean they will even shoot someone and goto prison for the rest of there lives, over a dumb word..
The real kicker is that they call each other that all the time and it is okay, but a white person says it, holy shit. Its like you tea-bagged their grandma at her funeral.
Then you pull your gat and smoke them fools? Thats how it works here in the 'dirty dirty'. LOL. People are all the time getting shot. Two old guys got into it not to long ago, old guy got out of car walked up to old guy in other car. Swung in window, old guy in car shot old guy that was standing by the window. LOL
Your grampa was a honky? Damn I hate honkys. Always trying to keep peoples down. What the fuck. Oh, wait, I am a honky. DAMN THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea, me too. That's what I get being german/irish. I guess I can only blame the british. DAMN THOSE BRITISH AND THEIR POOR DENTAL HYGIENE!!!!!!!! and dry sense of humor
Yeah, them and their damn enlightenment thinkers and their concepts of freedom that this country was founded on.
No, Im talking about the persecution of my irish forefathers that those punk ass bitches spent thousands of years ruling like slaves. Those british. Not the happy go lucky british, you know like Pip.
Yeah, Cromwell wasn't exactly enlightened though. I believe the IRA has something to say about that. Just not sure what it is.