We Know Some FUGLY People...

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by headee, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. headee

    headee New Member

    sure looks like her pasty skin, too-red lipstick and flat chest to me. too bad her dead eyes weren't on the before pic.
  2. headee

    headee New Member

    you're not the only one.
  3. SPOooOn

    SPOooOn New Member

    Love the enormous nipples on the german guy though.. keep up the good work :p
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Heh looks like Headee is really on top of her game today. Of course when you have facts on your side, there is a distinct advantage.

    This is hilarious.
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't know that Headee is on top of her game. It's definitely true that she's smarter than Grim was.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Actually I thought Grim did ok at least what few times I did pay attention.

    I'm intrigued with the whole TV mystery I mean Nursey has referred to her cock before in posts. I just figured she was an idiot and did not know what she was talking about. Like something got lost in translation somewhere between Gypsy slang and English. But looking at the pics... hmmm. I dunno.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    now now joe just because Nursey won't join you and Gee- Dub (as his homies call him) for a good 'ol republican fuckfest doesn;t mean you should interrupt her current engagement with headee
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Uh oh....someone's been getting a bit worked up i see! This is kind of ridiculous considering what it's all (supposedly) over...

    'Silly' and 'twat' are the gentlest 'insults' (if you can even call them that!) i can think of, and the 'gappy-toothed' part was simple fact (like calling your friend Doug a 'fag'). She, understandably, doesn't seem to have been devastated by it, and for you to get so worked up over it suggests you have a pretty big chip on your shoulder. In fact, i think it was just the excuse you were looking for in order for you to vent your increasingly psychotic hatred. When i first posted the 'avatar' pic, i thought you'd taken it in good nature, which warmed me to you a little (hence my comment about not minding you and fag-boy as much as the others in your clique). Little did i know that at that moment a raging hellfire was ignited! (And by the way, unlike you, i'm not going to go to the bother of reporting you to your image host to have your x-rated images censored...and wouldn't even if your pathetic attempt at a 'lookalike' was anything like me.:roll: )

    Then where did *I* get the idea? Perhaps it's the result of my skewed vision which leaves me completely isolated from reality and the general consensus, resulting in a situation where nobody is able to understand or appreciate my humour...locked in my own little world which nobody else can relate to, where 'silly gappy-toothed twat' = the most vicious, cutting insult, Nursey = the most hideously ugly freak of nature, Keely = a 'great looking chick'...and the following images depict an uncanny and hilaaaarious likeness...

    ...damn - i think i messed that up a little, but you get the JIST, don't you?

    Somebody's been busy! You must have waded through a lot of posts in your desperate quest to get one over. But being very smashed and suffering from a lack of sunlight in the midst of a bleak, British winter does not look great, but neither does it constitute 'ugly' (your latest find was taken the same night as the one in the flamenco skirt). At least, with my olive skintone i can actually get a tan unlike that 'great looking chick' Keely (perhaps a little more consistancy wouldn't go amiss, deary!). I suppose i could of used some of those natty photoshop filters and given myself an orange glow like you had in your "unphotoshopped" avatar.
    And for the record, sometimes i can look fucking awful, but on the whole, i am very fortunate...*blows a little kiss to Headee*

    Because i dressed up in 'novelty wear' at a couple of parties? Why do your pictures look like a greasy biker chick from 1980?

    So why are you getting so demented?
  9. headee

    headee New Member

    i thought we were having fun... i'm having fun. you're not having fun?

    by the way--your money shot pic--that's not posted anywhere else on this forum. ;-)

    if you want to stop, we can stop...
  10. headee

    headee New Member

    oh, by the way, i didn't report you to imageshack or photobucket... somebody on here PM'd me, suggesting i do so, and i told them i was going to keep this fair, and i didn't want you reported.

    and, yeah, the pic of me with the orange glow--NOT photoshopped! LOL well, it was lightened SLIGHTLY from the original, which i can provide if you REALLY want to see it that badly.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No reason to interrupt there Smiles things are going great.
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Did i say that? I just pointed out the incongruity in your statement. And i'm not convinced you are having fun, just as i wasn't convinced you 'didn't give two shits' about my 'unfunny, not very witty comments' as you said at the end of a demented sounding tirade. You seem to intersperse venemous, embittered outbursts with little smiles and 'no, i'm having GREAT FUN...really!' Kind of...weird...really. And my idea of fun isn't always having comical exchanges. Sometimes it can just be standing my ground while some stupid little twit makes a complete idiot of themselves trying to convince me of their perverted version of reality.

    Uh huh? And? Am i supposed to get riled up over some anonymous porn stuck next to a picture of me? Oh i see! It's a little hint that you would like my banner ad to celebrate the *success* of your sneaky, behind-the-scenes activities removed! Why didn't you just ask? Very, very nicely. ;)

    I'm perfectly happy to go on like this until you decide to stop being a stupid little bitch. Then i'll just wait for the next one to come along for the whole game to start up again. It's the circle of life, or something.:idea:

    Translation: "Joeslogic PMd me and suggested i make up that story, thus allowing him to take the credit for it seeing as he is so weak and impotent when it comes to dealing with Nursey"
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Nah, I bet Joeslogic is into watching bitches and coons get freaky. It's just so wrong. Right Joe?
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know I've seen a lot of shit on the internet. Bitches and coons well thats a new one. Could be vaguely interesting though if you got a link.
  15. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    There used to be a bitches and coons picture on fugly. Don't know if he still has it in the archives though.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Why does that not suprise me?
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Cuz this is the worst site on the net. Think about it. What other sites have Dwaine Scum as their top poster?
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Nah you got it all wrong its just silly entertainment.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Yeah, I know. I've seen worse. But they're not as much fun as this particular group.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Google bitches and coons what do ya get?

    Fugly.com top of the stack gotta love that.


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