Oh great, now you tell me! After the convincingly pertinent remarks about my appearance in this thread coupled with your apparent confirmation, i underwent a cosmetic surgery overhaul in an attempt to look a bit like Headee: >>> No, you're quite safe there, Keely...i mean Headee. Though judging by your latest creation, i have a nasty suspicion i may have become the object of your desires. And next time you illustrate any of your raunchy, lustful Nursenvisions, please leave Ulfur out of it!
*static* This is your reporter, straight from the war zone. Many *fizzle* casualties on both sides. Although the *crackle* has been raging for days, there seems to be no sign of a victor. We can only hope that *ack-ack-ack-ack* oh my god .. im hit . . the blood *static* ..*pop* . .mommy . .*silence*
Don't be silly. The battle was won long ago with Headee quite clearly the winner... Anything else is just nervous spasms after my painful and humiliating defeat.
Sorry, headee can spell. I don't think Keely can do that. And her real name is Krystal. Which I don't think she knows how to spell either.
is telling me i resemble this chick suppossed to be a SLAM?? LMAO she may be a skeezy ho that sleeps with old men on film for little cash, but she's GREAT looking. i was looking at her myspace page, and come on now--if she didn't have a rep for being a skank, and if she had more than half a brain, what guy on here wouldn't want to do her?? LOL i'm so hurt that nursey thinks i resemble this great looking chick. boo hoo. in reading some of nursey's old posts yesterday, i find it funny that every decent looking chick that posts on here, she goes after with vengeance. what does that say about her? are you suffering from feelings of inadequacy nursey? :-( cosmetic surgery CAN work wonders these days... maybe a little work might boost that dwindling self-esteem.
Why do people insist on smacking themselves in the face when i'm offering to do it for them? Though, i suppose if i looked roughly in the same mould as that plain piece of white trash i might not see what was so bad about the comparison either. And as dumb as she might be, at least Headee understood the point of my post...unlike some. And how is telling Ferine that not only is she a good looking woman, but intelligent too - so let's see more of her posts - an attempt to 'boost my inadequacy'? Surely i would have attempted to portray her as ugly beyond belief " UGLIEST person i have ever seen! Even more so than Dwaine! (like some genuinely inadequate little runt did earlier in this thread about another good looking woman)? :wink:
"birds of a feather..."? just a guess. i really don't know a whole hell of alot about ferine. let's reiterate: from what i've seen, you are definitely NOT "another good looking woman." and i'm confused what era you're living in--why do all of your photos look like they're taken at a 1982 photo shoot for 99 red balloons?? call me white trash, call me a little runt--i just don't fucking care nursey! LOL i know who i am, i know i don't look horrendous like you--sending out pics scratchin' your crabs or whatever venereal disease you got going on down there. again, FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN, you're not attractive on the outside, and you're even uglier, and a very miserable soul, on the inside. you try your hardest to belittle people who you deem beaneath you, but only the weak of mind would give two shits about you and your unfunny, not very witty comments.
no, actually i've seen several pics of pink and i think she's very cute. in fact, she's my cyber bisexual bride.