*wishes nursery would think of more original insults than "silly" and "gap-toothed"* I'm still un-impressed by fuglyforums.
type "crack whore" in google images and up pops mrs. cartman--i did see phatboy's post and thought it was hilarious and so, so TRUE, so i decided to elaborate upon it.
Well done headee!!! I have no idea how you can still post here so much! LOL Some of these guys seem alright, others just seem........ well, there really is no word for it. If nursery wants to "diss" (and i use that term lightly since she obviously has no idea how to throw out a proper insult) others who HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN POSTING HERE for her own enjoyment, I say more power to her! ( I mean, we cyber-killed Margaret for laughs) She needs to get more into it though. I really don't feel that she's been giving it her full effort... Nursery, You're better than this. Take pride in your crack-whore-ish-ness and use what's left of your brain to formulate some better insults!
Well sorry to let you down, I myself won't be able to sleep at night knowing that we let you down. Perhaps you should go somwhere more..impressive?
It's ok schmed. I know that most of you are great, but posters like Nursery are giving the rest a bad name. I guess I have high standards.
'Elaborate' upon it? How? All you did was regurgitate the exact same - albeit with more effort you useless, unoriginal cunt. And i see fatty frumpalump has joined us with my favourite stinging insult that manages to get me everytime...even after about the 20th time someone joins and thinks they've coined a wonderful new play on my name...'Nursery' *smokes a pipefull of crack and suckee suckees 5 cocks to drown my sorrows* :x
To think that 6 years ago Martin set up Fugly all in an effort to impress pinkiseanslover. After germinating for 6 long years we thought we were ready to impress you, but alas we were wrong. What a waste of 6 long years. Alright fellas, pack it in. Back to the drawing board. How the hell can we compete with (nevermind impress) the masterminds behind Southpark crackwhore jokes and the adding an R to Nurseys name????
hey schmed... i know you're defending nursey because she's your friend or whatever, but you got to admit, she's one FUGLY bitch.
sir schmedly, i know you're defending nursey because she's your friend or whatever, but you got to admit, she's one FUGLY bitch.
Because i really need defending from a pair of silly, spazzy dipshits like you and Spunkyasssucker. :|
Seems like many here would rather have Nursey's fugly ass in bed with them than you. I for one would have to agree. Oh, unless I wanted aids or some weird anal bacteria introduced to my immune system. Then I would totally be all over Headee. Hey Pink, Star Jones called, she wants her jowels back.