you have ENTIRELY too much time on your hands *cough* no life *cough* ... LMFAO i just sent that pic to pink--maybe she'll use it on her christmas cards this year, or something. thanks for all the NEATO pics you keep making! i am getting a kick out of them--they really are GREAT!!! LOL
Huh? It's pretty shit. And only took me about 12 minutes. And tell Pink the card idea is just..uhh.. hilarious.
the card idea was mine. hell, if you put my face on there, i'll print it up and mail it out to everybody i know so they can laugh their ass off. but, again, thanks for wasting 12 minutes out of your life on us.
Nursey isn't doing so well. Grim was small fry, but I expected better Nursey. It's hard to pick on people who don't care, really.
What were you expecting? I don't go around with people's assholes wedged around my phallus all year round...that was a speacial treat. I've enjoyed the latter part of this thread even if you haven't?
And i didn't 'pick on' anyone. I believe she started this, though for the admirable purpose of defending her silly, gappy-toothed friend who was whining about being bored here.
I just bumped it because i was bored with little happening in the forum, and much to my satisfaction got about 12 pages worth of entertainment for it.
Maybe if you'd take that damn clown make-up off. The reason I said I'd do you is because you seem like a cool chick, and I bet you'd be fun as hell in bed. You'd probably throw down like a mother-fucker. I'd leave with a black-eye and a smile, know what I mean.
good thinking. drama is what i'm all about. i give you: your fugly photos significantly brightened yesterday for me.