Fugly forums in general. Its tragic that fugly.com brings so much joy to the inhabitants of cyber-space, yet the forums are less than guffawable.
oh .. well. . thats okay then.. .. we only have to cut out the bit that says cute. . and a coupla stitches will fix you up a treat ..
just leave me enough brain to still be able to perform basic motor functions, please... i already have enough trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time.
Oh come on you'd probably look lovely in bruises .. purple is definately my color . . .ever since those mushrooms anyway. .
aw, i wasn't sure if you really liked talking to me or not... i thought i might have been annoying you.
Is that why reiz left? Bungle were you stalking her? I know DIO is but you too? Dammit Gumby. Were you stalking grim too????
That's right. It's not. And it's never going to be, so just you hurry along now you silly gappy toothed twat.
Did someone mention to said twat that there are other sections of the forums besides the two threads he deigned to post in?