I'm not off work for another 1 1/2 hours, so your gonna have to wait. I should be drinking by 3am my time though. Pacific Standard, I think I'm +8 GST. So I hope that helps.
I already drank mine, sorry. We'll have to try again tomorrow. Damn, another night of drinking beer. This will be rough.
Sometimes I wish alcohol was never invented. . but then I wake up and realize it was just a nightmare . .
man, i really, REALLY like heiniken... too bad I can't enjoy a few dozen anymore... THANK YOU SHITTY PANCREAS!!!! *punches self in pancreas*
Fuck it dwaine, you miss spelled apologies, so dont worry about it. Fuckin heineken is nasty anyway. That or I got some old stuff the last time i tried one.
Heinekin is good. Not as good as Pilsner Urquell, Nastro Azzuro or Stella Artois, but good nonetheless.
Maybe I got some stale beer or something. Ive tried it twice, maybe I shouldnt get it at restaraunts, they probably dont sale enough heine in Georgia.
phat...those are some great asses. But seriously, you need to drop the one with the man hands, it's creeping me out.