Why? Have i made her my sworn enemy or something? Really, i'm just explaining why awesome gang haven't been met with the excited 13 year old schoolgirl squeals they expected. No need to get so dramatic, Jeff.
nobody said we were expecting anything. LOL we haven't even complained about your douchiness. we just pointed out the fact that u are indeed, douchey towards us for whatever reasons u have. we think it's fun. i'm open to the sex idea, as long as nursery doesn't have a lazy eye or a fugly blue cock.
Yes, blah blah etc. Argue all you like, but i'm just telling you how it seems. And i don't think i'm alone in seeing it that way either.
That too, Headee!! I'm WAY psyched to go and see The Marijuanalogues tonight. A co-worker asked me: "Do you think they'll hand out free samples?" I'm all: "If that were the case, I'd have seen the show EVERY NIGHT since opening night!!" Beans would be proud.
Nursey, you're entitled to your opinion, and this IS America (for now) and you can voice that opinion. Now shut up and go lay by your dish.
No, this isn't America you mincing-bottomed cumfart.[/quote] "Mincing-bottomed cumfart", eh? Tsk, tsk. Do you eat cunt with that mouth??
Seriously. We worship fugly.com. We constantly come on here and send the funny pics all over cyberspace. We wanted to post some stuff that we thought was funny and that had a funny story behind it. We dont care if you like it or not, but someone must seeing as this thread is getting massive hits. Just because we're new doesn't mean that you won't come to like us eventually and even if you don't, well, NEAT. Anyway, the end. Sorry, was that too long of a response... I can dumb it back down to FUGLY ROX.