We Know Some FUGLY People...

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by headee, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    So would it be better for us to start our own OT thread?
  2. pinkisseanslover

    pinkisseanslover New Member

    Well, why would we all be on the same board if we didn't want to talk to eachother... we like new people, just not people who think they're more entitled to a public message board just because they post on it all the live long day a la barb.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Better still, start your own 'OT' forum somewhere far from here. We'll all drop in to say hi from time to time. Really, we will. We've seen you crazy kids in action and just can't get enough.
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think smiles is just trying to convey that when you have a lot of the one line replies,


    Hey I so love this place

    Me too

    Me more

    No me more
  5. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    So just because we don't pontificate about the uselessness of others on the board in a post matching War and Peace in length, we should leave?

    From now on, I believe ALL my posts will be one letter.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Look, sorry if you weren't all met with the sort of excited tweets and squeals that you expected, but that's just the way it is. We can't help it if you suck.
  7. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    Nor can we help it that you're a useless douche.

    C'est la vie.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Touchy, aren't we?
  9. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    And feely. Haven't you been reading the thread?

    Oh, I forgot. Y'all are too sophisticated to read our ramblings.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    No, unfortunately i read all 27 pages or whatever but my eyes soon glazed over as i ploughed through page after page of your inane, repetitive garbage. Which is the same response everyone else who has read it seems to have had if they were masochistic enough to persevere after the first page. Like i say, don't blame us. We're just telling you what it's like from an outside persepective.
  11. headee

    headee New Member

    yet, they're always HERE. amazing.

    here's the deal--u guys have history together, and we have history together. so we're going to have our little inside jokes that u guys don't find funny, and u guys definitely have your little inside jokes that we don't think are funny. our groups have two different personalities... we think fugly.com is the shit, so we decided to post some pictures that are funny to us, for our own personal reasons. it's really funny to post a guys cock pic and googly eyes up on a public message board to humiliate him always... i don't know why, but it just is. anyways--there's no need for the hostility. i mean, it's fun and all, so carry on if u want. whatever.
  12. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    And we appreciate your candor. Really we do.

    But, as I tell irate parents who contact the FCC because their children saw a boob on TV:

    "You don't have to watch."
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So we should have a sort of segregated board?:? I suppose if you all stay in 2 threads that could be workable. But what's the point in joining a message board if you aren't able to integrate? You may as well go back to having these chats on the phone and emails.
  14. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    Okay, so allow me to ask:

    How might we better integrate ourselves if we're considered "inane" and whatnot?
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, if you had taken some time to look around and see what's going on here, making your way in gradually, posting on an individual basis instead of coming in fully enclosed in a bubble of your own collective 'awesomeness' chattering irrelevant crap amongst yourselves for 30 pages - expecting everyone else to feel amazed by your awesomeness as well - it might have got you off on a better footing. As it is, you just seem like a bunch of totally annoying dicks who can't understand how it could be that not everyone they come across thinks they're really great. :roll:
  16. IHeartTardArt

    IHeartTardArt New Member

    I don't think that way, and apologize if that's what you thought.

    I know I'm not the "awesomest" person around. Nor do I tout that I am.

    I just wanna be loved! *sniff*
  17. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    How about this then? Since this place is pretty big, why not leave them alone if they want to start a thread and blabber on all day to eachother about whatever they want? Does it really affect you at all?

    I don't see these new people coming in to any existing topic and trying to screw it up like Smurfslappa constantly does. In fact, the one, Headee, seemed very polite when she tried to explain why they came here in this thread:
    As usual, anyone new is greeted with death threats from Dwaine and whatever else anyone can think of to try and drive them off.

    Why do they bother you all so badly?
  18. headee

    headee New Member

    wow, you're pretty good at putting words in other peoples mouths for them. i've been reading all of the threads here--and was reading them for a bit before i started posting, but hell, the best way to get used to the water is to just jump right in, so we did. we're all getting to know each other here--it doesn't mean we have to like everybody.
  19. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    If Headee and Nursey end up as friends, whatever happened should be documented and ananyzed thouroughly so that it can be implimented in the Middle East.

    This will be very interesting.
  20. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I really want Headee and Nurset to have sex one day. That is all that I hope for in life before I die. I want to see it, of course, but afterward, I can die in peace.

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