Yeah, but you totally miss the point there, Ferine. They've already had this conversation amongst themselves about 500 times and because they think it's so totally fucking GUFFAWESOME they have decided it has to be taken to the masses, repeating it word for word over and over and over at every message board they can find, knowing that everybody else will without any shadow of doubt also be amazed by the neverending, ground breaking hilarity they generate. I myself am unable to contain my FUGGAWWWWWFFFFFFING every time i read their posts.
we have our inside jokes, just as u posters have yours. we're just responding to inquiries... p.s. major props for "GUFFAWESOME." we're SO using that all the time now.
Why is everyone so cunty about us talking on this board? Perhaps it's because we're not socially inept enough?
Exactly. .social rejects only. .your normality is to us as kryptonite to superman, a lemon in the throat and a stake to the heart for a vampire, and long words to Dr Dan . .
that could be it doug... i kind of get the feeling that most of the usual posters here don't get out alot. i could be wrong... i'm just sayin' that's the impression i get. forgive me if i'm wrong.
Lemon in the throat of a vampire? I thought it was garlic. But don't worry. I talk a big game, but I'm really totally socially rejected in real life. I SO belong here.