There was an interesting example of that early this year, during the period of euphoria about the new enlightenment. Again, it didn't receive huge headlines, but if you were looking carefully, you noticed that there was a case brought to the World Court charging the United States and the other NATO powers with war crimes. And the World Court turned down the case on technical grounds. Not because the charges were wrong, but on technical grounds. The technical grounds were that the United States presented an airtight legal argument to show that the case could not be brought. And the Court correctly accepted this argument. What was the argument?
oh...this got cut: ... What was the argument? Well, the case was brought under the Genocide Convention. World Court rules require that both, all parties to a dispute accept jurisdiction. Otherwise, the Court can't adjudicate. And the U.S. argument was that the United States doesn't accept jurisdiction. Because, even though it did sign the Genocide Convention - after a delay of, I think, about forty years - it signed it with a reservation saying "inapplicable to the United States, without U.S. agreement," which of course is not given. So, therefore, the United States can't be brought before the Court on these charges, so it doesn't matter what their merit is. And that's a correct argument, so the Court dismissed the case. As I say, that's typical. Sovereignty has to be very carefully protected, like a precious jewel, when it's our own sovereignty. It's only the sovereignty of various enemies that means nothing. And that extends much more broadly. The United States is practically destroying the United Nations by refusing to pay its legally obligated debts. The debts are required by treaty, but the United States doesn't pay them, because that would be a sacrifice of sovereignty. Why should we allow some organization we don't control to function, at the expense of our own freedom to act? So the U.S. just doesn't pay its debts. In fact, by the 1990's, U.S. violation of international treaties has become so extreme that the professional society of international law, American Society For International Law, in a recent issue had an article called "Taking Treaties Seriously" - condemning the increasingly brazen U.S. refusal, to adhere to treaty obligations. The grounds are always the same - they're an interference with U.S. sovereignty, which has to be sustained. The same is true of the World Trade Organization - a particularly interesting case, because it's a U.S. creation. But it does have rules. And the U.S. blatantly violates the rules when it chooses to.
hey Im all about chaos, but what about the 6000 people that were killed in NYC on sept. 11th? Just so some asswipe can worship Allah? Fuck that.. Afganistan is getting what they deserve. They have terroist training camps? well we are shoing the afgahani's what it feels like.. I continue to support the bombings in everyway...
'just so some asswipe can worship Allah' They don't need to ram planes into buildings to do that do they?
That is the whole point sweetheart. They didn't need to slam airplanes into buildings to worship Allah. They did it because they don't like the way that we live. They honestly believe that Allah wants them to kill us. In truth, Allah does want us dead. He is a false God which loves death and misery. As for the law of the jungle, you are correct. Believe it or not, humans are animals too. We just try to cover it up by calling ourselves "civilized." If we were civilized, we wouldn't kill each other over territory and beliefs. Notice how our prison system is overcrowded with people who act like animals? When a man kills another man for sleeping with his wife, he goes to prison. When a lion kills another lion for moving in on his female, the female stays with the stronger lion. This keeps the herd strong. We humans put our "strong" in prisons and let our weak survive. In America, We have welfare for lazy niggers who breed like rabbits. What are they breeding? More weak and lazy niggers. What are our strong doing? Well... they are struggling to pay taxes to keep lazy niggers alive. What does this tell you about "civilized" society? It says we are all doomed. Our weak will eventually outnumber the strong and we will be forced to revert to the "law of the jungle" to survive. Pretty sad huh?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: That is the whole point sweetheart. They didn't need to slam airplanes into buildings to worship Allah. They did it because they don't like the way that we live. They honestly believe that Allah wants them to kill us. In truth, Allah does want us dead. He is a false God which loves death and misery. As for the law of the jungle, you are correct. Believe it or not, humans are animals too. We just try to cover it up by calling ourselves "civilized." If we were civilized, we wouldn't kill each other over territory and beliefs. Notice how our prison system is overcrowded with people who act like animals? When a man kills another man for sleeping with his wife, he goes to prison. When a lion kills another lion for moving in on his female, the female stays with the stronger lion. This keeps the herd strong. We humans put our "strong" in prisons and let our weak survive. In America, We have welfare for lazy niggers who breed like rabbits. What are they breeding? More weak and lazy niggers. What are our strong doing? Well... they are struggling to pay taxes to keep lazy niggers alive. What does this tell you about "civilized" society? It says we are all doomed. Our weak will eventually outnumber the strong and we will be forced to revert to the "law of the jungle" to survive. Pretty sad huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ugggggggggghhhh......okayyyyy Cheezey-babe
I got a postcard delivered to me was supposed to be delivered to the house next door.I live at number 9 and it was addressed to number 11.It's a postcard from 'New York City' with the Twin Towers on it. Date it's postmarked is the 11th October.There is some boring shit written on it: 'THE. O. No. 4. O. TOUR IN. N.Y. WAS F.A.B. CU4 2 LONG L A+J' ('J' might be 'E') Anyway-you've probably seen this already: <LI>THE DATE OF THE ATTACK: 9/11...9+1+1=11 <LI>SEPTEMBER 11TH IS THE 254TH DAY OF THE YEAR 2+5+4=11 <LI>AFTER SEPTEMBER THE 11TH THERE ARE 111 DAYS LEFT TO THE END OF THE YEAR <LI>911 IS THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR AMERICAN EMERGENCY SERVICES <LI>SEPTEMBER 11TH IS ALSO '9-1-1 EMERGENCY NUMBER DAY' (OR "911 E.N.D.") IN AMERICA <LI>TWIN TOWERS STANDING SIDE BY SIDE,LOOKS LIKE THE NUMBER 11 <LI>THE FIRST PLANE TO HIT THE TOWERS WAS FLIGHT 11 <LI>STATE OF NEW YORK:THE 11TH STATE ADDED TO THE UNION <LI>NEW YORK CITY,AFGHANISTAN,THE PENTAGON AND RAMZI YOUSEF (CONVICTED OF THE 1993 WTC BOMBING) ALL HAVE 11 LETTERS <LI>FLIGHT 11 92 ON BOARD 9+2=11 FLIGHT 175 65 ON BOARD 6+5=11 It was also noted that the flights produced sequential numbers: AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 11 UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 93 9+3=12 UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 175 1+7+5=13 AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 77 7+7=14
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: As for the law of the jungle, you are correct. Believe it or not, humans are animals too. We just try to cover it up by calling ourselves "civilized." If we were civilized, we wouldn't kill each other over territory and beliefs. Notice how our prison system is overcrowded with people who act like animals? When a man kills another man for sleeping with his wife, he goes to prison. When a lion kills another lion for moving in on his female, the female stays with the stronger lion. This keeps the herd strong.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...i do like this Cheeze.I'm still quite confused as to what this means when applied to global politics and law,but it certainly leaves me with a swollen,hot pulsing pussy and those squirmy wet 'rod me' sensations.
Nursey, What you are saying is very civilized method of thinking. People have always tried to solve things peacefully before resorting to violence, but sometimes it just doesn't work. In fact, sometimes the bad guys use it to their advantage like the current situation in Afghanistan. You make a good point, but also consider this: When I was just a boy in school, there were always bullies that loved to intimidate and beat the dogshit out of smaller kids. The smaller kids would then go tell the teacher in an effort to get the bully to stop. The bully simply denied his involvement and the beatings became worse. They were able to pull the wool over the eyes of the teachers and hide behind the pretence of "I'm innocent until proven guilty." By that the time they were exposed, enough damage had already been done and usually they got a slap on the wrist. They just waited a couple days for everything to blow over, and then they would revert to their usual ways. It wasn't until a larger kid came along and beat the bully within an inch of his life that anything really ever got resolved. This seems to be the case here as well. America and Britain are two of the largest and toughest kids in the class. For the most part, they both behave and watch out for the smaller kids like Saudi Arabia, Isreal, Poland, France...etc. It seems like everytime a bully such as Iraq or Afghanistan gets a wild hair up their ass and attacks someone, the teachers (UN and Security Council) never do anything but try to keep America and Britain from kicking the absolute donkeyshit out of the bully. In the meantime, the bully continues to fight and gets away with anything he wants to because the teachers are too busy trying to make peace. Sometimes, they even get brave enough to attack America and Britain! Afterall, they've got the teachers looking out for them as long as they make it look like they've done nothing. Eventually, America and Britain get sick of waiting for the teachers to intervene and take matters into their own hands. It's funny how everytime they do get involved, the situation gets resolved really fucking quick. Especially when you've got two big guys like that who are capable of whoopin the shit out of the teachers as well. Its no wonder they don't give a fuck about what the UN or Security Council thinks. We can only take so much red tape before things need to be handled differently.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: Really? That got you horny?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you have no idea <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote i would be grateful, if my genitals had been given time to recover
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pimp~fucha-Tookee: you have no idea <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that gif up there is a graphical representation of nursey's brain..