Warning: This is a take-over

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Guest, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. PhingerPhuckin

    PhingerPhuckin New Member

    good fucking point.
  2. TimBoaT

    TimBoaT Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    (mostly by other newbie wankers who seem to think its their right to abuse even newer member coz it happened to them)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thats you Phinger... and thats a shot...
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Unlimited, seeing as you was mature in your statement, I will tell the truth.

    I am here trolling for new members to the board in my sig.

    Am I a asshole? Sometimes.

    Will somebody make me the board tard? Doubt that.

    Is this personal? Nope.

    A few picks and digs, a few off the wall statements so far, thats all.

    Will I hang around after this is over? Who know,joined a few boards after "raids" such as this.

    This is what we do at times. However if you go to our board...the names you see here "trolling" is the same ones we use there.

    I am willing to bet some members from this board will go over there with different nics and use meaningless phases, off topic to spam.
  4. PhingerPhuckin

    PhingerPhuckin New Member

    but tim, i never really have been bashed yet so i havent really experienced it yet. plz shed me some light and let the insults flow in
  5. TimBoaT

    TimBoaT Member

    maybe you're just not quick enough to pick up on the insults... or maybe them fuglyites just don't care enough about you.. who knows?

    so ladr.. in a way.. this WAS spam... hmmm.. interesting
  6. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ladr:
    Unlimited, seeing as you was mature in your statement, I will tell the truth.

    I am here trolling for new members to the board in my sig.

    Am I a asshole? Sometimes.

    Will somebody make me the board tard? Doubt that.

    Is this personal? Nope.

    A few picks and digs, a few off the wall statements so far, thats all.

    Will I hang around after this is over? Who know,joined a few boards after "raids" such as this.

    This is what we do at times. However if you go to our board...the names you see here "trolling" is the same ones we use there.

    I am willing to bet some members from this board will go over there with different nics and use meaningless phases, off topic to spam.

    Nothing wrong with being an asshole most people are.As for members from here going over to your board to spam, well yeah there might be a few twats who will find it amusing but after 3 posts they will get bored and go back to wanking over the "tour guide" sections of porn sites.
    If your forum is a decent one and there aren't loads of teenagers thinking its cool and extremly funny to say they are "gonna fuck your mum" you might find some member from here might post.
    I think half the problem was Danger and Doom coming in mouthing off, it was like a red flag to a bull for people on here, we get it alot, but you seem a decent guy.I hope Danger isn't as hitler like as i have witnessed so far (only read a few topics on your forums).
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No Tim...do not try to put that twist on it...all replies have been on topic and in context.

    Of course, spam is in the eyes of the beholder.

    For a classic example of spam..please notice what that phing or what ever his name is, is doing.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Unlimited...I am the nice guy point man.

    Danger a hitler? Nah. On that type of board sometimes you have to put the ole foot down and speak strongly to settle folks down. Most of them are kinda strong minded.

    And some of the threads you saw is the results of...well ya know.

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