No. I want someone to pay ME to wash MY car or mow the lawn or vacuum or other cleaning duties that I do not enjoy.
Maybe I'm not making myself clear. This guy let another man KNEEL DOWN... SUCK HIS PETER... THEN BLOW A LOAD ON HIS FLOOR! If that had been me in his situation... I would have taken it to my grave! Not bragged about making 550 dollars. Dude is a schizophrenic. What's the next level? Sucking a dick for 1000? Do I ask him to start taking his meds again? What if he wakes up and TRULY realizes what he did while he was off his meds and hates himself and then blows his head off afterwards? I know if some dude had ever sucked my cock... and I let him... I would swallow every pill in my medicine cabinet and then inject myself with everything I could find under my sink for good measure!
maybe the guy has no shame... like me. I have done some sick crazy shit in my life and I have done things that normal people would never admit.. and I tell people about it. So what... he got blown, he got paid... he thinks its funny... sure it is gross. I would rather receive oral sex and get paid 550$ then work... um however many hours at minimum wage at Mc Donalds for 550$ ...and pay taxes. I am no mathmatician... but someone out there is... how much is minimum wage? and factor in taxes... how many hours would that be working over grill. sure you can say - what about MORALS... and MANHOOD... and PRIDE... whatever ... Morals, manhood, pride does not put food on the table, gas in your car, or pay your cell phone bill... so fuck it. I say YAYY for your friend...... but who cares. Sincerly, All American Whore
He owns his own HVAC business. He doesn't work at McDonalds. He can make that in a day. He'll have to live with this the rest of his life. Would I give up a days pay to retain my dignity and NOT have that memory forever? You bet I would. I'd pay a guy 550 to stay AWAY from my dick.
In that case I got 20 bucks burning a hole in my pocket. You only have to blow me for about 30 seconds (thats about as long as it would take these days). You also have to swallow and scream out "JESUS THATS SOME GOOD SHIT!" after we are done. Hey... it beats working at Mcdonalds for 4 hours and paying taxes.
Well that good, I am not used to suckin cock for longer then 1 minute. Well I do have my price... and it is not 20$ - however I have been know to be free with the right amount of alcohol in me. And I would allow you to munch my monkey for free... drunk or sober . Your friend had his price, and he took it. Everyone has a price... You mean to tell me you not allow a guy to suck you off for ... hmm 5k, 10k,50k... whatever the price is... your friends price was lower.
ATTENTION MEN>>> I know how you can make 550$ doing nothing... go threaten to suck off Cheezedawg. Next time I am in your town, I will gather a bunch of muscle fags... they will hold you down and and take turns sucking your cock, unless you pay each $550 - However I am sure a few readers just got Chub thinking about being that scenario - hell ... got me thinking about it (but not with gay dudes) off to look up forced dyke porn...
What would be so bad about him being gay anyways? Nothing. So what? He got paid, good for him. He was being honest with you, telling you what happened. And you're abusing that. And also, schizophrenia is not something to make you fear him or think of him any differently than another person. I have a schizophrenic friend and he is one of the sweetest people I know. He has some trouble with medications sometimes, but that doesn't make me love him as a friend any less. Seriously. Grow up please.
I'd have to say, if I had a friend who told me that same thing, I dont think 'd want to hang out with him as much, it would just make me think nonstop of that and I really don't need to be grossed out. If you can though, more power to you. At least if he ever pisses you off or tries to blackmail you you can use this info against him. Lol, I guess thats what suck about having a joker personality, a lotta people just tink I'm out to make fun of them 24/7, so they are careful not to tell me big secrets like this...but then the people they do tell, go behind their back and tell me, lol.
Why don't you throw me a few and we'll name whatever comes out of my easybake, "BJ"? I can add one more to the mix.