Vegetable Barryani?

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nursey, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Haha! I'm just saying with regards to strict forced rules of behavior such as for example the Presbyterian school you were referring to. Then again break outside the confines of religion and look at the religion of socialism such as North Korea. Strict ruled environment you do not have to worry about being medicated into a stupor to accept the societal norms of which you disagree. They just let it be known that if you are a bad apple they will pluck you from the tree and insert you right into a labor camp.

    I understand the point you are making and to an extent agree. Thing is its all about moderation. There is a place for medication prescribed responsibly.

    I'm just looking at other underlining issues that I perceive with your personality and drawing parallel observations.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Besides did you ever consider that if you had been prescribed some medication for whatever underlining issue you were theoretically going through? Actually may have had the effect of helping you to see that what you felt uncomfortable with was as you assumed?
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Fugly ettiquette demands that you insult first, and reason later. I was just trying to fit in.

    I agree, now that you clarify.

    You are absolutely correct.There is no cure for AD/HD. Symptom control is the focus of both behavior/educational therapy and medication. "Chemical management" is a fairly accurate term.

    You are right and wrong. Antidepressants were never designed for long term use. They are a stop gap measure to reverse the severe and dangerous symptoms associated with depression. The idea is to stabilize the person with medication and then help them make the cognitive and behavioral changes necessary to no longer need the medicine.

    Antipsychotics fail into the same category, except sometimes the person cannot stabilize, and the only choice left for the safety of the client and the world is long term medication, or "chemical management."

    A person with AD/HD is not a candidate for a "stop gap" measure. If they could just simply "get a grip" on their behaviors, they do not have AD/HD.
    By definition ADHD is a disorder characterized by the absoulte inablity of the person to control negative behaviors desite their very best efforts. The stimulant medication does not cure their problem, but it does provide them with the focus they need for them take control of their impulses and behaviors.

    I do not think that I would have ever achieved symptom control without the help of medication. I had excactly the same symptoms for 30 years. If I stop taking my medication, the symptoms return to the exact level in about four hours.

    One thing I do appreciate about what you say - I agree that forcing yourself to be something that you are not is stressful. The most stressful thing on earth, however, is wanting desperately to be somebody different than who you are, and lacking the control to change your own behaviors.

    That is very true, almost. With ADHD, the symptoms do become "problems" although they are not THE problem. Since there is no know way to cure "the problem" the only option left at this time is to treat the symptoms.

    At this point "finding a way to continue living with the problem" is exactly what I am doing. If you find the cure, let me know. We will both be rich tomorrrow.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So what if there are worse places? They boil some people alive up to their waist in oil and send the remains to their relatives in Uzbekistan (one of Washington's new 'friends').That doesn't make what i experienced as a child any less unpleasant. I think you most likely took exception to the 'presbyterian' bit. The reason why i even mentioned that was because, unlike the other state schools i or my siblings attended which were also presbyterian (by default), that particular school and all the dusty old relics who taught there took the religious thing to the extreme - while being the biggest hypocrites full of bitterness towards the human race. But you probably have an image of me back then as some backwards, 'unwashed heathen' (despite my being descended from the very first christians) who had never been brought up to properly behave, being taken under their righteous, christian wing. ;)

    Maybe as a last resort when everything else fails.

    A bit like when you 'look at underlining issues' that you 'perceive' about the democrats who you believe are hoping for some 'carnage' in America to help win them the election (and will work with terrorists to achieve that end)? Or when you 'looked at other underlining issues' you 'perceived' about my personality which fully convinced you i'd had an abortion at some time...and enjoyed it! I have to admit, you always hit the nail on the head.
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Have you tried traditional Chinese medicine? It cures an awful lot of things.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    "If it aint broke don't fix it". Conisdering there was nothing wrong with me, i don't see how distorting the picture with chemicals could have helped?
  7. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Drugs are fun, kids. :D :D :D
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, they should be.
  9. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Obviously they haven't found the answer for rotten teeth and birth control.
  11. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    That bloke's 130. His teeth are in great nick for his age.
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I may be a hypocrite but there's no need to gloat.
  13. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    I just knew that pic was of you. :D

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