man dwaine you make me feel hotter than even whipone! dahlink whippy fight to regain my utmost love! :lol: 8)
LOL. These are the real internet police. Go team go! Can you guys somehow get CORPSEMAN's computer taken away along with her VA benefits? That would be nice. P.S. I am a 6 year Navy Veteran. I served on submarines as a reactor operator, but I don't like to talk about that a lot.
oh great... the mould in the fugly petri dish has multiplied and now we have a whole gaggle of mentally unhinged veterans with million post a day quotas to fill... i always wondered whether idiots really fell for sob stories on the internet and sent money to strangers
Coming from someone with almost 7300 post since September? :roll: I never sent the fat-assed pork chop eating bitch any money. I was one of the first to detect her bullshit. To be clear here, on, every vet or active duty member has always been very open about the units they served in. Only those that fabricate a military history choose to keep that info to themselves, and as in Medicfat's case, they're found out pretty quick.
The mental picture of the Chiwawas Indian war party chasing Medicvet with their tomahawks makes me laugh. :lol: Oh wait, you meant Chihuahuas, like in dogs. Hell, that's funny too. Barry
"found out" pretty quick? I posted over a year and was only banned when someone LIED and said I wasn't receiving VA benefits for and was banned then when I was working to get the ban lifted made the mistake about talking about it when I shouldn't have and simply let the person helping me out work behind the scenes. Davebarker has posted that I am indeed on 30% service connection, and that just irks you to no end, doesn't it? oh fucking well. You just can't deal with the fact that I WAS TELLING THE TRUTH because it messes up your entire image and concept of me..poor thing. this is my little corner of hell and i like it here and aren't going anywhere. and the other site you invaded doesn't think too highly of your antics, and i didn't have to say shit to anyone, they came to their own correct conclusions. you are sad and bitter people who cannot stand the fact that i opened up about myself and got shit on and am UNDERSTANDABLY NOT GOING TO GIVE THE DETAILS YOU WANT TO ASSHOLES LIKE YOU.
CORPSEMAN, always with the strong rebuttals! You should go to law school and teach defense attorneys how to defend their clients, cuz man, you really have me convinced! Johhny Cochran should have used the "UNDERSTANDABLY NOT GOING TO GIVE THE DETAILS YOU WANT TO ASSHOLES LIKE YOU" defense in the OJ trial.